urol-e5 / timeseries

Data generated from e5 time series sampling in Moorea
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Discuss next steps for analysis given differential effects of haplotype on physiology and ITS2 #61

Closed AHuffmyer closed 1 month ago

AHuffmyer commented 4 months ago

Our preliminary analysis of haplotype effects indicate that there are differences in host and symbiont physiology by haplotype. These are more pronounced in Porites (but one haplotype only found at ⅔ sites) and are small but significant in Pocillopora. ITS2 communities are different by haplotype.

We will need to re-evaluate whether we can include haplotype in multivariate analyses quantitatively as a main effect or if we need to reanalyzed everything with haplotype as a random effect. I think we should present ITS2 by haplotype and include haplotype in variance explained plots as a main effect. We do not have enough replication of each haplotype at every site to include it in the analyses directly as a main effect.

Food for thought! Post with details here: https://ahuffmyer.github.io/ASH_Putnam_Lab_Notebook/Revising-E5-timeseries-results-restructuring-figures-and-filtering-univariate-data/

AHuffmyer commented 4 months ago

Here is what I think we could do: