ursais / odoo-operator

Odoo Operator built using the Operator SDK.
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ansible cluster kubernetes kubernetes-operator odoo-instance odoo-operator operator operator-sdk

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Odoo Operator

Table of Contents


Build the operator

Build and push the operator:

export VERSION=0.0.2
export OPERATOR_IMG="docker.io/ursa/odoo-operator:$VERSION"
make docker-build docker-push IMG=$OPERATOR_IMG

Build the bundle

Bundle your operator and push the bundle image:

make bundle IMG=$OPERATOR_IMG
export BUNDLE_IMG="docker.io/ursa/odoo-operator-bundle:$VERSION"
make bundle-build BUNDLE_IMG=$BUNDLE_IMG
make docker-push IMG=$BUNDLE_IMG


Run your bundle:

export BUNDLE_IMG="docker.io/ursa/odoo-operator-bundle:$VERSION"
operator-sdk run bundle $BUNDLE_IMG

Create a sample Odoo custom resource:

kubectl apply -f config/samples/apps_v1alpha1_odoo.yaml

Uninstall the operator:

operator-sdk cleanup odoo-operator


Report any problem or question by creating an issue on the GitHub project.