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Official code for article "LLMLight: Large Language Models as Traffic Signal Control Agents".
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LLMLight: Large Language Models as Traffic Signal Control Agents


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| **[1 Introduction](#introduction)** | **[2 Requirements](#requirements)** | **[3 Usage](#usage)** | **[4 Baselines](#baselines)** | **[5 LightGPT Training](#lightgpt-training)** | **[6 Code structure](#code-structure)** | **[7 Datasets](#datasets)** | **[8 Citation](#citation)** | **[Website](** |

1 Introduction

Official code for article "LLMLight: Large Language Models as Traffic Signal Control Agents".

Traffic Signal Control (TSC) is a crucial component in urban traffic management, aiming to optimize road network efficiency and reduce congestion. Traditional methods in TSC, primarily based on transportation engineering and reinforcement learning (RL), often exhibit limitations in generalization across varied traffic scenarios and lack interpretability. This paper presents LLMLight, a novel framework employing Large Language Models (LLMs) as decision-making agents for TSC. Specifically, the framework begins by instructing the LLM with a knowledgeable prompt detailing real-time traffic conditions. Leveraging the advanced generalization capabilities of LLMs, LLMLight engages a reasoning and decision-making process akin to human intuition for effective traffic control. Moreover, we build LightGPT, a specialized backbone LLM tailored for TSC tasks. By learning nuanced traffic patterns and control strategies, LightGPT enhances the LLMLight framework cost-effectively. Extensive experiments on nine real-world and synthetic datasets showcase the remarkable effectiveness, generalization ability, and interpretability of LLMLight against nine transportation-based and RL-based baselines.

The code structure is based on Efficient_XLight.


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2 Requirements

python>=3.9,tensorflow-cpu=2.8.0, cityflow, pandas=1.5.0, numpy=1.26.2, wandb, transformers=4.36.2, peft=0.7.1, accelerate=0.25.0, datasets=2.16.1, fire

cityflow needs a Linux environment, and we run the code on Ubuntu.

3 Usage

Parameters are well-prepared, and you can run the code directly.

headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "YOUR_KEY_HERE"

Then, run LLMLight by:

python --prompt Commonsense \
                      --dataset hangzhou \
                      --traffic_file anon_4_4_hangzhou_real.json \
                      --gpt_version gpt-4 \
                      --proj_name TSCS

You can either choose Commonsense or Wait Time Forecast as the prompt argument.

python --llm_model LLM_MODEL_NAME_ONLY_FOR_LOG \
                       --llm_path LLM_PATH \
                       --dataset hangzhou \
                       --traffic_file anon_4_4_hangzhou_real.json \
                       --proj_name TSCS

4 Baselines

5 LightGPT Training

Step 1: Imitation Fine-tuning

python ./finetune/ --base_model MODEL_PATH \
                                            --data_path DATA_PATH \
                                            --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

python ./finetune/ --adapter_model_name="OUTPUT_DIR" \
                                --base_model_name="MODEL_PATH" \

We merge the adapter with the base model by running

Step 2: Policy Refinement Data Collection

python --dataset hangzhou \
                               --traffic_file anon_4_4_hangzhou_real.json \
                               --proj_name TSCS

The RL model weights will be automatically saved in a checkpoint folder in ./model. You need to copy it and put it under the ./model_weights/AdvancedColight/{traffic_file}/" folder.

python ./finetune/ --llm_model MODEL_NAME_ONLY_FOR_LOG \
                                                           --llm_path MODEL_PATH \
                                                           --dataset hangzhou \
                                                           --traffic_file anon_4_4_hangzhou_real.json

The fine-tuning data will be ready at ./data/cgpr/cgpr_{traffic_file}.json.

Step 3: Critic-guided Policy Refinement

python ./finetune/ --llm_model MODEL_NAME_ONLY_FOR_LOG \
                                           --llm_path MODEL_PATH \
                                           --llm_output_dir OUTPUT_DIR \
                                           --dataset hangzhou \
                                           --traffic_file anon_4_4_hangzhou_real.json \
                                           --proj_name LightGPTFineTuning

python ./finetune/ --adapter_model_name="OUTPUT_DIR_{traffic_file}" \
                                --base_model_name="MODEL_PATH" \

Similarly, we merge the adapter with the base model by running

6 Code structure

7 Datasets

Road networks Intersections Road network arg Traffic files
Jinan 3 X 4 jinan anon_3_4_jinan_real
Hangzhou 4 X 4 hangzhou anon_4_4_hangzhou_real
New York 28 X 7 newyork_28x7 anon_28_7_newyork_real_double

8 Citation

      title={LLMLight: Large Language Models as Traffic Signal Control Agents}, 
      author={Siqi Lai and Zhao Xu and Weijia Zhang and Hao Liu and Hui Xiong},