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UUKG: Unified Urban Knowledge Graph Dataset for Knowledge-Enhanced Urban Spatiotemporal Prediction
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The Unified Urban Knowledge Graph Dataset for Urban Spatiotemporal Prediction. PDF


OverviewInstallationDatasetHow to Run Directory StructureCitation

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1. Overview

UUKG is an open-sourced and multifaceted urban knowledge graph dataset compatible with various USTP tasks. The above left-figure illustrates the workflow of UUKG construction. For a given city, we first construct an Urban Knowledge Graph (UrbanKG) from multi-sourced urban data. As shown in the above right-figure, by extracting and organizing entities (e.g., POIs, road segments, etc.) into a multi-relational heterogeneous graph, UrbanKG encodes various high order structural patterns in a unified configuration (i.e., a multi-scale spatial hierarchy), which facilitates joint processing for various downstream USTP tasks.

2. Installation

Step 1: Create a python 3.7 environment and install dependencies:

conda create -n python3.7 UUKG
source activate UUKG

Step 2: Install library

pip install -r ./UrbanKG_Embedding_Model/requirements.txt
pip install -r ./USTP_Model/requirements.txt

You can also follow the './USTP_Model/' and './UrbanKG_Embedding_Model/' files to install related packages.

3. Dataset

We opensource two large-scale Urban Knowledge Graph (UrbanKG) datasets in New York and Chicago compatible with five Urban SpatioTemporal Prediction (USTP) tasks. As the original dataset is quite large, we have included example data, data processing code, and model code to assist researchers in understanding our work. The complete data sources can be found on Google Drive.

We provide very detailed explanation for our data and pre-processing module in both UrbanKG construction and USTP dataset construction. The above dataset construction scheme is highly reusable, one can prepare their own urban data and use our code to build their personalized UrbanKG and USTP dataset easily.

3.1 UrbanKG Data

Dataset Entity Relation Triplet Train Valid Test
NYC 236,287 13 930,240 837,216 46,512 46,512
CHI 140,602 13 564,400 507,960 28,220 28,220
3.1.1 Guidance on data usage and processing

We store the original unprocessed files in the './Meta_data' directory. To preprocess, align, and filter these files, we utilize either the or script. The processed data is then saved in the './Processed_data' directory. Finally, we execute the or script to obtain the constructed urban knowledge graphs, which are stored in the './UrbanKG' directory.

We divide the training set, verification set and test set by

The file information in each directory is as follows:

./Meta_data    Raw data set: administrative division data, POI and road network data
./Processed_data   Aligned datasets: administrative region entity, POI entity, road network entity
./UrbanKG    City fact triples obtained from 8 entities and 13 relationships

The following types of atomic files are defined:

filename content example
entity2id_XXX.txt entity_name, entity_id Road/106710 11
relation2id_XXX.txt relation_name, relation_id BNB 2
train entity_id, relation_id, entity_id 196632 12 85987
valid entity_id, relation_id, entity_id 43982 10 233474
test entity_id, relation_id, entity_id 167134 6 75149
triplet.txt entity_id, relation_id, entity_id 48034 12 168303
UrbanKG_XXX.txt entity_name, relation_name, entity_name POI/663 PLA Area/230
3.1.2 To create your urban knowledge graph dataset

Our urban knowledge graph construction scheme is highly reusable. You can prepare your urban data following either the file format in './Meta_data' or './Processed_data', and then run scripts to build your personalized urban knowledge graph. This flexibility allows you to adapt the construction process to various cities and datasets easily.

3.1.3 Visualization

We offer comprehensive visualization solutions for all types of urban knowledge. By leveraging the powerful visualization capabilities of Folium, we provide an intuitive understanding of the urban entities and relationships encoded in the constructed urban knowledge map. This allows users to interact with and explore the urban knowledge graph in a user-friendly manner, facilitating better insights and analysis of the urban data.

You can run to get the overall visualization of urban entities like borough, area, POI and road segment. You can also develop other visualization function according to your preferences.

3.2 USTP Data

Type USTP flow prediction USTP event prediction
Dataset taxi, bike, human Mobility crime, 311 service
Sensor region-level, road-level, POI-level region-level
3.2.1 Guidance on data usage and processing

We store the original unprocessed files in the './Meta_data' directory. To preprocess, align, and filter these files, we utilize either the or script. The processed data is then saved in the './Processed_data' directory.

Finally, we execute the script to obtain the spatiotemporal flow prediction dataset and derive script to obtain the constructed urban event prediction dataset.

We storage them in the './USTP' directory with the special format mentioned in here.

The file information in each directory is as follows:

./Meta_data    Raw data set: taxi, bike, crime and 311 service event data.
./Processed_data   Aligned datasets: taxi, bike, human, crime and 311 service spatiotemporal dataset which are aligned with area, road and POI.
./USTP    The reformatted USTP dataset is now ready for use with downstream USTP models. 

The following types of atomic files are defined:

filename content example
xxx.geo Store geographic entity attribute information. geo_id, type, coordinates
xxx.rel Store the relationship information between entities, such as areas. rel_id, type, origin_id, destination_id
xxx.dyna Store traffic condition information. dyna_id, type, time, entity_id, location_id
config.json Used to supplement the description of the above table information.

we explain the above four atomic files as follows:

xxx.geo: An element in the Geo table consists of the following four parts:

geo_id, type, coordinates.

geo_id: The primary key uniquely determines a geo entity.
type: The type of geo. These three values are consistent with the points, lines and planes in Geojson.
coordinates: Array or nested array composed of float type. Describe the location information of the geo entity, using the coordinates format of Geojson.

xxx.rel: An element in the Rel table consists of the following four parts:

rel_id, type, origin_id, destination_id.

rel_id: The primary key uniquely determines the relationship between entities.
type: The type of rel. Range in [usr, geo], which indicates whether the relationship is based on geo or usr.
origin_id: The ID of the origin of the relationship, which is either in the Geo table or in the Usr table.
destination_id: The ID of the destination of the relationship, which is one of the Geo table or the Usr table.

xxx.dyna: An element in the Dyna table consists of the following five parts:

dyna_id, type, time, entity_id(multiple columns.

dyna_id: The primary key uniquely determines a record in the Dyna table.
type: The type of dyna. There are two values: label (for event-based task) and state (for traffic state prediction task).
time: Time information, using the date and time combination notation in ISO-8601 standard, such as: 2020-12-07T02:59:46Z.
entity_id: Describe which entity the record is based on, which is the ID of geo or usr.

xxx.config: The config file is used to supplement the information describing the above five tables themselves. It is stored in json format and consists of six keys: geo, usr, rel, dyna, ext, and info.

3.2.2 To create your USTP dataset

Our urban spatiotemporal prediction dataset construction scheme is highly reusable. You can prepare your urban downstream task data following either the file format in './Meta_data' or './Processed_data', and then run scripts or to build your personalized USTP dataset. This flexibility allows you to adapt the construction process to various cities and datasets easily.

3.2.3 Visualization

We offer spatial and temporal visualization implement for all types of USTP dataset. By leveraging the powerful visualization capabilities of Folium, we provide an intuitive understanding of different USTP tasks.

You can run to get the overall spatial and temporal distribution of USTP dataset. You can also develop other visualization function according to your preferences.

4. How to Run

4.1 Structure-aware UrbanKG Embedding

To train and evaluate a UrbanKG embedding model for the link prediction task, use the script:

python ./UrbanKG_Embedding_Model/ 
             [-h] [--dataset {NYC, CHI}]
              [--model {TransE, RotH, ...}]
              [--regularizer {N3,N2}] [--reg REG]
              [--optimizer {Adagrad,Adam,SGD,SparseAdam,RSGD,RAdam}]
              [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--patience PATIENCE] [--valid VALID]
              [--rank RANK] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
              [--neg_sample_size NEG_SAMPLE_SIZE] [--dropout DROPOUT]
              [--init_size INIT_SIZE] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
              [--gamma GAMMA] [--bias {constant,learn,none}]
              [--dtype {single,double}] [--double_neg] [--debug] [--multi_c]

How to get the embedding?

We build the index between entities and learned embeddings and storage the index file in ./data/entity_idx_embedding.csv. To obtain the learned UrbanKG embedding, run

4.2 Knowledge-enhanced Urban SpatioTemporal Prediction

To train and evaluate a USTP model for the link prediction task, use the script:

python ./USTP_Model/ --task traffic_state_pred --model STGCN --dataset NYCTaxi20200406

This script will run the STGCN model on the NYCTaxi20200406 dataset for traffic state prediction task under the default configuration.

How to fuse UrbanKG embedding?

To fuse UrbanKG embedding, we directly concatenate the embedding with USTP feature for input. You can mannualy modify it in the ./data/dataset/

The "" file in USTP_Model and UrbanKG_Embedding_Model provide more details about models.

5 Directory Structure

The expected structure of files is:

 |-- UrbanKG_data  # UrbanKG_data
 |    |-- Meta_data
 |    |    |-- NYC  # meta data for New York
 |    |    |    |-- Administrative_data    
 |    |    |    |-- POI     
 |    |    |    |-- RoadNetwork     
 |    |    |-- CHI  # meta data for Chicago
 |    |    |    |-- Administrative_data    
 |    |    |    |-- POI     
 |    |    |    |-- RoadNetwork     
 |    |-- Processed_data  # 
 |    |    |-- NYC
 |    |    |-- CHI 
 |    |-- UrbanKG  # constructed urban knowledge graph
 |    |    |-- NYC
 |    |    |    |-- entity2id_NYC.txt   
 |    |    |    |-- relation2id_NYC.txt     
 |    |    |    |-- UrbanKG_NYC.txt
 |    |    |    |-- triplets_NYC.txt   
 |    |    |    |-- train_NYC.txt  
 |    |    |    |-- valid_NYC.txt
 |    |    |    |-- test_NYC.txt
 |    |    |-- CHI 
 |    |-- # UrbanKG constructuion
 |    |-- # data preprocessing
 |-- UrbanKG_Embedding_Model  # KG embedding
 |    |-- data
 |    |    |-- NYC
 |    |    |-- CHI 
 |    |-- dataset
 |    |-- models
 |    |-- optimizer
 |    |-- utils
 |    |-- # KG embedding 
 |    |-- requirements.txt
 |-- USTP_data  # USTP_data
 |    |-- Meta_data
 |    |    |-- NYC  # meta data for New York
 |    |    |    |-- Flow_taxi    
 |    |    |    |-- Flow_bike     
 |    |    |    |-- Flow_human     
 |    |    |    |-- Event_crime     
 |    |    |    |-- Event_311  
 |    |    |-- CHI  # meta data for Chicago
 |    |-- Processed_data  # 
 |    |    |-- NYC
 |    |    |-- CHI 
 |    |-- USTP  # constructed urban spatiotemporal prediction dataset
 |    |    |-- NYC
 |    |    |    |-- NYCTaxi20200406  
 |    |    |    |-- NYCBike20200406     
 |    |    |    |-- NYCHuman20200406
 |    |    |    |-- NYCCrime20210112   
 |    |    |    |-- NYC311Service20210112  
 |    |    |-- CHI 
 |    |-- utils  # constructed urban spatiotemporal prediction dataset
 |    |-- preprocess_meta_data_nyc # USTP data preprocessing
 |    |-- # USTP flow dataset construction
 |    |-- # USTP event dataset construction
 |-- USTP_Model  # USTP_model
 |    |-- libcity
 |    |-- log
 |    |-- raw_data
 |    |-- # urban spatiotemporal prediction 
 |    |-- requirements.txt

6 Citation

If you find our work is useful for your research, please consider citing:

  title={UUKG: unified urban knowledge graph dataset for urban spatiotemporal prediction},
  author={Ning, Yansong and Liu, Hao and Wang, Hao and Zeng, Zhenyu and Xiong, Hui},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},