Some experiments with the SPEC file to create an RPM for fedora - basically about the patching of the source.
The source of signal-desktop are here: Signal-Desktop
SPEC file inspired by luminoso
And if you want to build the RPMs on-premise you should visit BarbossHack's Signal-Desktop-Fedora
It basically follows the instructions from How to compile Signal-Desktop for Fedora but skips the installation of nvm (node Version Manager) and some follow-up steps because installs the needed npm version an external repo (see below). Also, it does not replace "deb" by "rpm" in the package.json file since this is not needed either.
The current build requires internet access and the additional repo$basearch
It is worth matching the version from nodesource with the one shipped by the fedora distribution.
The files and .github/workflows/rpmbuild_copr.yml are used for automated RPM package builds using Github Actions and Copr.
More generic information about the Github Actions to Copr connection can be found here.