A reverse TCP tunnel for the ESP32
How to use
- Edit config.h to match your SSID details and public listener (This is the vps the ESP connects to).
- Edit (in lisenter folder) to match the LAN IP + PORT you want to reach remotely.
- Run the on your VPS (Preferably with the screen command).
- Upload the code to your ESP32, see the serial log as it connects to your VPS. (Make sure port is reachable by VPS firewall rules).
- On your VPS traffic you send to localhost:8080 will be forwarded to the ESP, thus to the server on the LAN and you will get a response back.
- The ESP tunnels all TCP traffic, not UDP. You can use curl for http requests (ex: curl http://localhost:8080/pwn?cmd=ls)
How to detect
- Monitor connected MAC addresses to your corporate LAN, force employees to register their devices.
- Detect reverse TCP tunnels with an IDS (How? data send to server on LAN equals data sent to server REMOTE thus data is being exfiltrated!).
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