usernein / pyromod

A monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
223 stars 70 forks source link
conversation listen monkeypatch pyrogram python


pyromod is a versatile Python add-on for the Pyrogram library, designed to make developing Telegram bots faster and more efficient.

It's based on monkeypatching, which means it works together with Pyrogram, rather than being a fork or modified version. It adds features to Pyrogram classes on the go, so you don't need to update it every time Pyrogram is updated.

Whether you're building a simple chatbot or a complex form to get multiple responses from the user, pyromod has you covered. It enhances Pyrogram with a range of advanced features, simplifies conversation handling, and offers a high degree of customizability.


You can find the full documentation at

Also feel free to ask any pyromod-related questions on our Telegram group.

Key Features


Awaiting a single message from a specific chat:

response = await client.listen(chat_id=chat_id)

Awaiting a single message from a specific user in a specific chat:

response = await client.listen(chat_id=chat_id, user_id=user_id)

Asking the user a question then await for the response:

response = await client.ask(chat_id=chat_id, text='What is your name?')

Asking the user a question then await for the response, with a timeout:

    response = await client.ask(chat_id=chat_id, text='What is your name?', timeout=10)
except ListenerTimeout:
    await message.reply('You took too long to answer.')

Full handler example, getting user's name and age with bound method Chat.ask:

from pyromod import Client, Message
from pyrogram import filters

async def on_form(client: Client, message: Message):
    chat =

    name = await chat.ask('What is your name?', filters=filters.text)
    age = await chat.ask('What is your age?', filters=filters.text)

    await message.reply(f'Your name is {name.text} and you are {age.text} years old.')

Easier inline keyboard creation:

from pyromod.helpers import ikb

keyboard = ikb([
    [('Button 1', 'callback_data_1'), ('Button 2', 'callback_data_2')],
    [('Another button', '', 'url')]


To get started with pyromod, you can install it using pip:

pip install pyromod

Or poetry:

poetry add pyromod

Or rye:

rye add pyromod


To initialize pyromod, on the file that creates the client instance, simply import the Client class from pyromod instead of pyrogram:

from pyromod import Client

And that's all! You can still use the Client class as you would normally do with Pyrogram, but now having all the extra features.

You don't need to change the imports on the plugins files. Even by importing Client from pyrogram, the pyromod features will be available anyway. In order to monkeyatch pyromod features successfully, it's just required that the first Client class imported to your project code should be from pyromod. Then all the other future Client instances will be patched automatically.

You just need to import from pyromod if you want your IDE to recognize and suggest the extra features based on pyromod.Client type.


We welcome contributions from the community to make pyromod even better.

Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or contribute in any way that aligns with our goals.

Copyright & License

This project may include snippets of Pyrogram code

Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)