AGA Online Ratings Server and implementation
The goal of the AGA Online Ratings Server is to provide Go Servers with a standard way to report results between AGA members that happen on their servers to us for computing a cross-server rating.
Other goals of the project can be found on the implementation plan here
All api endpoints accept and return JSON. Available endpoints:
POST /api/v1/games
Report a game result.GET /api/v1/games/<game_id>
Get a game result by IDGET /api/v1/games/<game_id>/sgf
Get a game's SGF file by IDGET /api/v1/players/<player_id>
Get a player by IDGET /api/v1/players?token=<token>
Get a player by their secret token.Here's an example HTTP request to create a game:
POST /api/v1/games HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Server-Token: secret_kgs
X-Auth-Black-Player-Token: player_1_token
X-Auth-White-Player-Token: player_2_token
"black_id": 1,
"white_id": 2,
"server_id": 1,
"result": "W+R",
"date_played": "2015-02-26T10:30:00",
"game_record": "(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]CA[UTF-8]BC[ja]WC[ja]EV[54th Japanese Judan]PB[Kono Takashi]BR[8p]PW[O Meien]WR[9p]KM[6.5]DT[2015-02-26]RE[W+R];B[qd];W[dp];B[pq];W[od])"
You can also submit a game_url
in lieu of the game_record
field. server_token
is the game server's secret token, and black_token
, white_token
are the player's secret tokens. Your server_id
can be discovered through the UI for online-ratings.
Before you get started working on Online Ratings, you'll need to do some setup:
This dev guide assumes a POSIX tool chain. Most developers on this project use OSX.
To get things working (without docker), you'll need
Assuming you're running on OSX:
brew install python3
sudo apt-get install python3
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
virtualenv -p $(which python3) ~/py3-or
source ~/py3-or/bin/activate
curl | python3
brew install postgresql
directory and run: pip install -r requirements.txt
directory and run: python3 -m unittest discover
You'll want to install docker
, docker-machine
, and docker-compose
. This is easily done with Docker for Mac.
Install docker and docker-compose
Then the following commands should start the app running and start tailing the logs.
cp .env_example .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
The build
step will create docker containers for each part of the app (nginx,
flask, etc.). The up -d
step will coordinate the running of all the containers
as specified in the docker-compose yaml file.
Important Note! If this is the first time you've set up the database, you'll need to create the initial tables with:
docker-compose run --rm web python /usr/src/app/ db upgrade
and then create some fake data to populate the db
docker-compose run --rm web python /usr/src/app/ create_all_data
The dockerfile configuration will then serve the app at localhost:80
You might find it useful to have a python shell in Docker. This lets you interactively play with database queries and such.
docker-compose run --rm web python /usr/src/app/ shell
>>> from app.models import Player
>>> print(Player.query.filter(
Player FooPlayerKGS, id 1
You might also find it useful to have a postgres shell.
docker-compose run --rm psql
The system needs to be able to connect to an smtp server, and in development that can be a little cumbersome. To make this easier, docker-compose spins up a mailhog instance that the example env file uses by default. You can see any emails that have been delivered by going to port 8025.
We use Alembic / Flask-Migrate to run database schema updates.
To make a database schema change, first make your changes to
, and rebuild the docker containers with docker-compose build
Then, run the following command to autogenerate an Alembic migration file.
docker-compose run --rm db_migrate python db migrate -m "description of schema changes"
The db_migrate
container is specifically build to mount your local filesystem's alembic migrations directory to the container's migration directory. That way, the alembic-generated files are mirrored in your own filesystem, and you'll be able to commit them to source control.
See Alembic documentation for limitations on what schema changes the autogenerate can/cannot detect.
To actually execute the migration, run
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm web python db upgrade
Generally, we prefer running with Docker. However, if you wish to run the web server locally (perhaps for a faster iteration cycle) you can do so with the following:
cd online-ratings
sed 's/^\([^#]\)/export \1/g' .env_example > .env_local
source .env_local
cd web
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 runserver
You should see:
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Note: At this point, you still need to run your local Online Ratings instance
against a database instance. You can either create a local postgres instance and
create some data. Or, you can point your local server at the running Docker
images. For that, all you need to do is run through the Docker startup
instructions above and then change DB_SERVICE
in your .env_local
The standard unittest
module has a discovery feature that will automatically
find and run tests. The directions given below will search for tests in any
file named test_*.py
source bin/activate
cd web
python -m unittest discover
To see other options for running tests, you may:
cd <repo root directory>
python -m unittest --help
Production is the same as local. Yay Docker!
We build images automatically as part of the .travis
unittesting. If you want
to know how it works, check out Travis: encrypting secret
data and Travis:
docker. Essentially, this does the following:
Note that due the limitations of secrets, the commit cannot come from a fork: it must be created/pushed from the base repo (usgo/online-ratings).
In the Github UI for usgo/online-ratings, select the master branch and select 'Create Pull Request'. Then, target the release branch and describe the release. Note that as soon as the Release Pull Request is created and the Travis tests pass, a docker image will be built and pushed to the USGO Docker Hub. Importantly, this means that the push of the Docker image depends on the tests pasting, not whether the PR is merged (but it should still be merged for clarity).
On the server, we have yet to integrate the above image process: (Work in progress):
vim .env (change passwords, secret_key to production values)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
is installed.mkdocs serve
from within the root of online-ratings
.Create or edit the .md
files within docs/
Refer to mkdocs for more details.
Source files to be edited can be found in docs/schemata
. The files are in YAML for improved
, run
prmd combine --meta docs/meta.yml docs/schemata | prmd verify | prmd doc > docs/
JSON Schema is the general format used for types and JSON Hyper-Schema is used for endpoint definitions.
mkdocs gh-deploy --clean
.The developer mail list can be found here:!forum/usgo-online-ratings