usncahill / MMM-Tesla3

Currently obsolete while figuring at Teslas new API. Sorry users, blame Tesla. A MagicMirror module for Tesla vehicles
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Current Issues Being Worked

Module: MMM-Tesla3

The MMM-Tesla3 module is a MagicMirror addon. This module displays some of your Tesla's data on your Mirror. It is forked from MMM-Tesla2 and the GUI is a modification of MMM-TeslaMate. Icons are modifications from Tabler icon set. This is intended to be a current, state-of-the-API Tesla vehicle module, supporting multiple vehicles, displaying many configurable parameters, while avoiding use of a database.

Installing the module

  1. run git clone from inside your MagicMirror/modules folder.
  2. run cd MMM-Tesla3 and npm install to install my ye olde deprecated dependancies (request, et al).
  3. obtain a refresh_token. one method: goto and follow the directions there.
  4. paste the refresh_token into the refresh_token field of token.json.
  5. setup your config.

Example MMM-Tesla3 in action!

Picture showing 4 configurations of the MMM-Tesla3 magic mirror module.

Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
            module: 'MMM-Tesla3',
            position: 'bottom_right',       // Recommend side regions like top_left for best results
            config: {
                // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
                vehicleIndex: 0,            // default 0, index references the n+1th car returned when talking to Tesla
                showVehicleName: true, 
                refreshIntervalCharging: 5  // 15 minutes
                ... many more below

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured. Note, don't write the indicated units in your config.

Option Default/Units Description
vehicleIndex 0 zero-based (0,1,2...) position of the car in your list of cars in Tesla's database.
when you get your refresh_token from, you can see the list there
required for multicar to work
vehicleName null enter a value to override the name saved in your car /
showVehicleName true shows vehicle name at top of module
rangeDisplayType distance options: distance,percent
sets the large vehicle range value using the type chosen; range units come from the car's distance GUI settings retrieved from
useHomeLink true true uses the car's proximity to Homelink geomarkers in the Tesla database to determine homeness, which overrides whatever the lat/long calculation determines
homeLatitude null deg enter latitude as a decimal degrees to at least the 4th decimal place
recommend right-clicking google maps to get the coordinates
homeLongitude null deg enter longitude as a decimal degrees to at least the 4th decimal place
recommend right-clicking google maps to get the coordinates
showBatteryBar true true to show a battery-shaped bar below the charge level / range indicator
showBatteryBarIcon true true to show the battery bar icon: bolt=charging, clock >|=scheduled departby, clock |>=scheduled startat, snowflake=battery cold
showBatteryBarTime true true to show the time associated with the active scheduled charging option DepartBy or StartAt on the battery bar
showBatteryReserve true shows the portion of lost battery range/level as blue on battery bar
showBatteryLevelColors true false to turn of the battery level coloring in one line
percentBatteryLevelLow 15 % battery bar color set to yellow below this value; 0 to disable
percentBatteryLevelCritical 5 % battery bar color set to red below this value; 0 to disable
saturateModule 1 range: 0 - 2, set to 0 to remove all color from module (grayscale)
saturateCarImage 1 range: 0 - 2, set to 0 to remove all color from your car image (grayscale)
saturateIcons 1 range: 0 - 2, set to 0 to remove all color from icons (grayscale), mostly noticable on warnings
saturateBatteryBar 1 range: 0 - 2, set to 0 to remove all color from battery bar (grayscale); module will still apply darkness of other color settings, e.g. Battery Level Critical will still be darker than Battery Level Normal
showStatusIcons true true enables all vehicle status icons
showWarningIcons true true enables all vehicle warning icons
showLockedIcon false true shows vehicle lock status as state icon, (lock)
showUnLockedIcon true true shows vehicle unlocked status as warning icon, (unlock)
showPluggedIcon true true shows vehicle plug status as state icon, (plug)
showUnPluggedIcon true true shows vehicle unplug status as warning icon, (plug with x)
showHomeIcon true true shows home status as state icon; this can be triggered by useHomelink and being near a homelinked geomarker in Tesla or by MMM-Tesla3 calculating an approximate distance from homeLatitude and homeLongitude, (car under roof)
showDrivingIcon true true shows vehicle status = "drive" as state icon, aka when the car is on the road, (steering wheel)
showSentryModeIcon true true shows sentry mode status as state icon, (webcam)
showAirConditioningIcon true true shows air conditioning status as state icon, (air conditioner)
showOffPeakIcon true true shows off peak charging option status as state icon, (clock with dollar)
showScheduledChargeIcon true true shows scheduled charging option status as state icon, (clock with bolt)
showConnectedIcon true true shows whether the car is connected to option status as state icon, (wifi)
refreshPeriod 10 minutes the wait between module attempts to get data from
wakePeriod 60 minutes the wait between allowing module to wake the car when getting data from
wakeIntervals [] (empty) - an array of time periods of different wakePeriods;
- uses wakePeriod for undescribed periods
- times are written as hhmm, periods are minutes
- Format: [{start: 'time', end: 'time', period: minutes},{...}]
- Example: frequent wake in morning, never wake at night: wakeIntervals: [{start: '600', end: '800', period: 15},
{start: '2000', end: '0400', period: 999}]
- Warning: times with leading zeroes and no quotes, e.g. start: 0800, will get converted to hex.
sizeOptions n/a must be formatted like a sublist, e.g.
sizeOptions: {
width: 400,
height: 203,
batteryWidth: 250,
batteryHeight: 75,
topOffset: 40
weird battery or overlapping parts means you likely picked bad numbers
width 400 pixels module width, module scales based on default
height 203 pixels module height, module scales based on default
batteryWidth 250 pixels battery bar width, module scales based on default
batteryHeight 75 pixels battery bar height, module scales based on default
topOffset 40 pixels module top spacing from module above
carImageOptions n/a must be formatted like a sublist, e.g.
carImageOptions: {
model: "MS",
view: "STUD_3QTR",
options: "WT19",
verticalOffset: 0,
imageOpacity: 0.2
no picture means you likely picked mis-matched options
check here for help setting up codes; test here
model MS options: MS, MX, MY, M3, CT(?)
each requires specific options
options DV4W,INBFP,MTS08,PPMR,WT19 defaults make a red Model S. See option codes for more options.
verticalOffset 0 pixels
imageOpacity 0.2 range: 0.0 - 1.0 fractional opacity
Additional Items
homeRadius 100 varies shall be the same units as earthRadius option
default value is 100 meters. see earthRadius
earthRadius 6371000 varies assumed earth radius for approximate distance from home calcs
default is the earth radius in meters but you can convert homeRadius and earthRadius to mi if desired (they shall be the same units, there is no conversion)
showDebug false true turns on a bunch of troubleshooting items, crazy icons, etc.
showVerboseConsole true 'false' turns off the MM console logs
showTable false true would enable untested legacy MMM-TeslaMate table feature
showTableOdometer true true shows odometer on legacy table