usnistgov / CastVoteRecords

Common data format specification for cast vote records
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Voting - NIST Special Publication 1500-103 Cast Vote Records Common Data Format Specification Version 1

This repository holds the NIST Special Publication 1500-103 Cast Vote Record (CVR) Common Data Format Specification Version 1 and supporting files. Besides the PDF and Word versions of the specification located in this repository, there is an HTML version at

The CVR specification is also available using the following Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

NOTE: the version of the specification located in this repository has some minor documentation corrections that have not been corrected in the DOI version.

The CVR specification supports 3 general use cases:

  1. Interoperable exports of CVRs from devices such as scanners, DREs (direct record electronic), or other devices that create CVRs and perform contest rule post-processing. Resultant interoperable import into tabulators, such as election management systems (EMS), or import into auditing systems, or import into adjudication systems.

  2. Interoperable exports of aggregated collections of CVRs from aggregating devices such as EMS.

  3. Interoperable export of CVRs from adjudication devices.

Please contact John Wack or John Dziurlaj for questions and more information.

Repo Structure

Name Description
CastVoteRecords_UML_Documentation_files Images of UML classes
CastVoteRecords.png Image of Cast Vote Records UML model UML Documentation
NIST.SP.1500-103-rev.docx Word version of CVR specification
NIST.SP.1500-103-rev.pdf PDF version of CVR specification
NIST V1.0 - CastVoteRecords.xml MagicDraw UML Model
NIST_V0_cast_vote_records.json CVR JSON schema
NIST_V0_cast_vote_records.xsd CVR XML schema
example_*.xml Full listing of examples referenced in specification