ustramooner / LucenePlusPlus

Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link


Welcome to lucene++ version

Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.


Useful Resources

Official Java Lucene <>_ - useful links and documentation relevant to Lucene and lucene++. Lucene in Action <>_ by Otis Gospodnetic and Erik Hatcher.

Boost unit testing runtime parameters reference

Build Instructions using CMake

You'll need boost installed somewhere.

On Debian systems, the following packages are required:

Build Instructions using Waf

Alternatively you can use Waf <> to drive the build. Waf requires that you have a recent version of Python <> installed on your system.

To build the library the following commands should be issued::

$ ./waf configure
$ ./waf --static build

Additionally static builds of the following libraries are required for a successful build:

The libraries and headers should be made available at a standard prefix (/usr/local for example).

Build Instructions for Windows systems

Open solution lucene++.sln located in the msvc folder into Visual Studio 2008 and build.

Note: "BOOST_ROOT" environment variable must be defined to point to the boost library directory (eg. c:\boost_1_44_0)

You'll need boost installed.

BoostPro <>_ has some precompiled windows packages. You'll need the following extras installed::

Building Performance

Use of ccache will speed up build times a lot. I found it easiest to add the /usr/lib/ccache directory to the beginning of your paths. This works for most common compilers.


To run unit test suite

lucene_tester is built using the Boost Unit Test Framework <>_ and is launched by the following command::

$ bin/lucene_tester --test_dir=./test/testfiles --show_progress=yes

Other command options <>_ can be supplied.
