This is a consul check integration plugin for nagios that makes easy to add nagios commands that queries and aggregates specific checks or services by node from a consul agent.
Returns 2 if there are any critical checks, 1 if there are no criticals but warnings. Returns 3 when node not found or when there is no matches based on the given filters (CheckID, ServiceName). Returns 0 on passing checks.
Query the local consul agent for the serf health check of node named consul01 in datacenter dc01:
$ python node consul01 dc01 --CheckID=serfHealth
Passing: 1
> consul01::Serf Health Status:serfHealth:passing
Query for a specific service:
$ python node consul01 dc01 --ServiceName=raft
Passing: 2
> consul01:raft:Leader elected & operational:leader:passing
> consul01:raft:Peer list match:peers:passing
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -h
Usage: node NODE DC
[--CheckID=CheckID | --ServiceName=ServiceName]
NODE the consul node_name
DC the consul datacenter
-h --help show this
-v --verbose verbose output
--addr=ADDR consul address [default: http://localhost:8500]
--CheckID=CheckID CheckID matcher
--ServiceName=ServiceName ServiceName matcher