Log Road models logging roads based on existing OSM street data, forest stands, and a cost surface.
OSM street data | Forest Stands | Cost Surface |
OSM | Shapefile (EPSG3857) | GeoTIFF (EPSG32610) |
New Roads |
Shapefile (EPSG3857) |
Requires python-gdal
, skimage.graph
, requests
, and numpy
To install, simply python setup.py install
or work directly from the root directory.
Ideally the CostSurface consists for actuall $ US values in order to estimate the actual costs of construction to roads. But for the porpuse to identify the length and location of the new roads, a relativ coast surface is sufficient.
with CostSurface.py
can be used to create a cost surface based on variables slope and river (buffered rivers).
In CostSurface.py
the relation between the two can be specified. We received the best test results with the following parameters:
costSurfaceArray[costSurfaceArray > 50] **=2
costSurfaceArray[riverArray == 1] **=5