Automate upload video to YouTube from any sources
Install required packages:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install youtube-upload:
$ sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client progressbar2
$ cd libs/youtube-upload $ sudo python install
3. Install [bilibili-get](
$ npm install -g bilibili-get
$ brew install ffmpeg aria2
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg aria2
##### Temporary fix bilibili-get download [issue](
$ git clone $ cd libs/bilibili-get/bin/ $ npm i
4. Update sqlite3 db permission:
$ chmod 666 db.sqlite3
5. Run server:
$ python runserver
### Add YouTube Account:
1. Download secrets file `secrets/xxxxxx.json` and upload it to server.
2. Update account settings in ``:
def get_no_playlist_accounts(): ...
def get_no_copyright_desc_accounts(): ...
def get_youtube_quota_settings(): ...
def get_youtube_account_order(): ...
3. Add `YoutubeAccount` record.
4. Create an empty credentials file `credentials/xxxxxx.json` from server:
$ touch credentials/xxxxxx.json
$ sudo touch credentials/xxxxxx.json
5. Run upload job and enter correct code from browser.
### Deployment:
1. Attach to screen:
$ screen -r
2. Run server:
$ python runserver --insecure
### Initial Settings:
$ python shell < scripts/