utahplt / CSTG

CLI tool for generating and visualizing graphs from stacktraces
MIT License
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Coalesced Stack Trace Graphs (CSTGs)

This software was created in conjunction with the paper below. tcallred has captured the original code not on Git and placed it here.


Illustration by Ashton Wiersdorf

Original Author

Diego Caminha B. de Oliveira

Associated Publication

Alan Humphrey, Qingyu Meng, Martin Berzins, Diego Caminha B. de Oliveira, Zvonimir Rakamaric, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan Systematic Debugging Methods for Large Scale HPC Computational Frameworks Computing in Science and Engineering (CiSE), 16(3): 48--56, doi:10.1109/MCSE.2014.11, 2014.



Graphviz is needed to generate DOT CSTG files. ps2pdf is needed to generate PDF graphs.


Run "make" and two folders will be created: "bin" and "lib". "bin" will contain four binary files used for offline creation of CSTGs: graphDiff, tracerSum, graphMerge and graphMergeMultiple. "lib" will contain a shared library that can be used to instrument the code and collect the stack traces.

If you desire to install the files in your local Unix system, run "sudo make install".

tracerSum USE

tracerSum takes the collection of stack traces and outputs the CSTG.

./tracerSum stack_trace_collection.txt cstg

[input] stack_trace_collection.txt The collection of stack traces. [output] cstg Prefix name for the ".dot", ".pdf" and ".ps" files that will be generated.

graphDiff USE

graphDiff takes to ".dot" CSTG files generated and creates the difference between the two.

./graphDiff cstg1.dot cstg2.dot diff_cstg

[input] cstg1.dot CSTG dot file [input] cstg2.dot CSTG dot file [output] diff_cstg Prefix name for the ".dot", ".pdf" and ".ps" files that will be generated.

graphMerge USE

graphMerge takes two ".dot" CSTG files and merge them.

./graphMerge cstg1.dot cstg2.dot output

[input] cstg1.dot CSTG dot file [input] cstg2.dot CSTG dot file [output] output Prefix name for the ".dot", ".pdf" and ".ps" files that will be generated.

graphMergeMultiple USE

graphMergeMultiple takes multiple ".dot" CSTG files and merge them.

Usage: graphMergeMultiple output files*

[input] files CSTG dot files previously [output] output Prefix name for the ".dot", ".pdf" and ".ps" files that will be generated.