Upon entering the website, the user should be taken to the homepage.
A tabbed menu shall be displayed and anchored to the top of the page and not to the user’s window; that is, as they scroll the tabbed menu does not remain at the top of the page.
The window should resize dynamically.
The website would optionally be viewable on an iPad or other portable/mobile device.
Page titles in the tabbed browser should be appropriate and change depending on the selected page.
The CTS logo should be the icon for the tabbed page in the browser in all website pages.
The tone and language of the site must be consistent and professional.
Buttons and other controls must respond with feedback when interacted with.
The homepage should display the logo of CTS prominently.
The homepage should contain a headline to inform users of the page.
Below the headline, 2-3 sentences should provide a clear description of what CTS is. Must be memorable and concise.
Must include a collection of call to actions linking to other pages on the website to direct user traffic based on need.
The section below the call to actions of the homepage must display social proof to stimulate trust in CTS. May include years of operation, awards won and other useful things. Must include photos, of awards or other engaging material that adds credibility.
The footer must contain contact information and call to action to use contact information. The footer must contain links to social media accounts. The footer may contain links to other pages as relevant to the call to action.
The events page must display both the current and following weeks events in an easy to understand format.
The date of the week must be displayed prominently at the start of the event table.
It shall update dynamically week to week based on the content stored in a connected database.
The date and time of the event must be displayed upon the event card in the event table.
The user should be able to click on an event to receive a text description of useful information about
the event. This can be done by linking to the database. It is acceptable for the event table to briefly
disappear while the user reads the description of the event.
The interface for updating the websites events section should be simple enough that a non-ICT
student could update it.
Contact us/Get involved
The contact section allows interested parties to easily get into contact with CTS by providing contact
information and a description of what they want. This information should then be provided ASAP to
CTS through message or email.
The contact us/get involved page also contains two choices of contact us or get involved to filter the
The form shall be submittable only when all fields have been filled.
The user should receive an email from cts.utas@gmail.com confirming that they have received their
correspondence, it should also include operating hours for the expected reply time.
A signup form shall be displayed to the user including staff/student id, email, phone (optional) and
name. An optional field for notification method can be selected for the user. A submit button will
also be included, with standard form validation and security.
The signup page can be used to sign up to receive notification of events via their selected methods.
Users that are not already listed in the database as existing members will also receive an email from
cts.utas@gmail.com to inform them of ways to register as a member.
Our Projects/Services
A list of current projects will be displayed to the user.
Each project can be clicked on to receive a more in-depth description
Where appropriate, a call to action should be displayed if that project is currently interactable with.
Below this call to action, a contact link shall be displayed.
General information about CTS, including its relationship to the TUU and UTAS. As well as structure
and current exec.
Must include photos where appropriate.
This section should include a call to action to contact or sign up at the end of the information