Closed ThibeauM closed 6 years ago
I would expect most scans to take minutes at least, not seconds. Which scanner module are you using, arachni or wapiti?
Or are you talking about an indexer module instead of a scanner module? Feel free to include the command you're using and I can perhaps comment further.
I have the following tools installed: arachni phantom
i use the following code to TRY and run multiple dork scans at once (im noob at python dont blame me :/) ...
import subprocess
import sys
from colorama import Fore, Style
keys = 0
threads = 0
keylist = []
currentkeynum = 0
k = open("keys.txt")
f = open("input.txt")
with open("keys.txt") as k:
for line in k:
keys += 1
print("Found " + str(keys) + "keys.")
with open("input.txt", 'r', encoding="ISO-8859-1") as f:
for line in f:
if threads >= 40: #trying to run 40 dorkbots at once here but dont think it works
threads -= 1
if currentkeynum > keys - 1:
currentkeynum = 0
currentkey = keylist[currentkeynum]
currentkey = currentkey.rstrip('\n')
l = line.rstrip('\n')
print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "Using key " + currentkey + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "Started searching for " + l + Style.RESET_ALL)
p = subprocess.Popen(["python", "", "-i", "google", "-o", "engine=" + currentkey + ",query=" + l])
threads += 1
currentkeynum += 1
i wonder if i better use for this what im trying ?
ok i got multithreading on my side working altrough if i do to many threads i start getting errors
Prob because the main program isnt meant to write many things at the database at once , idk its going to fast to spot the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 272, in
is one of the errors i often get
could this be because the key has a daily limit ? i use many keys and some work some stop working after some time
Yeah, I think this is some sort of (unpublished?) limit on Google's side. I get similar errors when running too many instances, and it's because the website has stopped returning results for that engine.
You think multiple keys / gcse will help fix the problem ?
Hello sometimes it takes 2-5 sec each dork to scan, this is fairly slow if i want to scan 100 dorks , any way to fix this ?