utiso / dorkbot

Command-line tool to scan Google search results for vulnerabilities
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Image of Dorkbot


Scan Google (or other) search results for vulnerabilities.

dorkbot is a modular command-line tool for performing vulnerability scans against sets of webpages returned by Google search queries or other supported sources. It is broken up into two sets of modules:

Targets are stored in a database as they are indexed. Once scanned, a standard JSON report is produced containing any vulnerabilities found. Indexing and scanning processes can be run separately or combined in a single command (up to one of each).



 -h, --help            Show program (or specified module) help
  --show-defaults       Show default values in help output


usage: dorkbot.py [-c CONFIG] [-r DIRECTORY] [--source [SOURCE]]
                  [--show-defaults] [--count COUNT] [--random] [-h]
                  [--log LOG] [-v] [-V] [-d DATABASE] [-u] [-l]
                  [--list-unscanned] [--add-target TARGET]
                  [--delete-target TARGET] [--flush-targets] [-i INDEXER]
                  [-o INDEXER_ARG] [-s SCANNER] [-p SCANNER_ARG] [-f]
                  [--list-blocklist] [--add-blocklist-item ITEM]
                  [--delete-blocklist-item ITEM] [--flush-blocklist]
                  [-b EXTERNAL_BLOCKLIST]

  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file
  -r DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Dorkbot directory (default location of db, tools,
  --source [SOURCE]     Label associated with targets
  --show-defaults       Show default values in help output
  -h, --help            Show program (or specified module) help
  --log LOG             Path to log file
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging (DEBUG output)
  -V, --version         Print version

global scanner options:
  --count COUNT         number of urls to scan, or -1 to scan all urls
  --random              retrieve urls in random order

  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Database file/uri
  -u, --prune           Apply fingerprinting and blocklist without scanning

  -l, --list-targets    List targets in database
  --list-unscanned      List unscanned targets in database
  --add-target TARGET   Add a url to the target database
  --delete-target TARGET
                        Delete a url from the target database
  --flush-targets       Delete all targets

  -i INDEXER, --indexer INDEXER
                        Indexer module to use
  -o INDEXER_ARG, --indexer-arg INDEXER_ARG
                        Pass an argument to the indexer module (can be used
                        multiple times)

  -s SCANNER, --scanner SCANNER
                        Scanner module to use
  -p SCANNER_ARG, --scanner-arg SCANNER_ARG
                        Pass an argument to the scanner module (can be used
                        multiple times)

  -f, --flush-fingerprints
                        Delete all fingerprints of previously-scanned items

  --list-blocklist      List internal blocklist entries
  --add-blocklist-item ITEM
                        Add an ip/host/regex pattern to the internal blocklist
  --delete-blocklist-item ITEM
                        Delete an item from the internal blocklist
  --flush-blocklist     Delete all internal blocklist items
                        Supplemental external blocklist file/db (can be used
                        multiple times)

Tools / Dependencies

As needed, dorkbot will search for tools in the following order:


All SQLite3 databases, tools, and reports are saved in the dorkbot directory, which by default is the current directory. You can force a specific directory with the --directory flag. Default file paths within this directory are as follows:

Configuration files are by default read from ~/.config/dorkbot/ (Linux / MacOS) or in the Application Data folder (Windows), honoring $XDG_CONFIG_HOME / %APPDATA%. Default file paths within this directory are as follows:

Config File

The configuration file (dorkbot.ini) can be used to prepopulate certain command-line flags.

Example dorkbot.ini:



The blocklist is a list of ip addresses, hostnames, or regular expressions of url patterns that should not be scanned. If a target url matches any item in this list it will be skipped and removed from the database. The internal blocklist is maintained in the dorkbot database, but a separate file or databasecan be specified by passing the appropriate file path or connection uri to --external-blocklist. Targets are matched first against the internal blocklist and then optionally against any provided external blocklists.

Supported external blocklists:

Example blocklist items:


The first item will remove any target that doesn't contain a question mark, in other words any url that doesn't contain any GET parameters to test. The second attempts to avoid login functions, and the third blocklists all target urls on example.com. The fourth excludes targets with a hostname of www.google.com and the fifth excludes targets whose host resolves to


The prune flag iterates through all targets, computes the fingerprints in memory, and marks subsequent matching targets as scanned. Additionally it deletes any target matching a blocklist item. The result is a database where --list-unscanned returns only scannable urls. It honors the random flag to compute fingerprints in random order.

General Options

These options are applicable regardless of module chosen:

  --source [SOURCE]     Label associated with targets
  --count COUNT         number of urls to scan, or -1 to scan all urls
  --random              retrieve urls in random order

Indexer Modules


  Searches google.com via scraping

  --engine ENGINE       CSE id
  --query QUERY         search query
  --phantomjs-dir PHANTOMJS_DIR
                        phantomjs base dir containing bin/phantomjs
  --domain DOMAIN       limit searches to specified domain


  Searches google.com

  --key KEY             API key
  --engine ENGINE       CSE id
  --query QUERY         search query
  --domain DOMAIN       limit searches to specified domain


  Searches a given pywb server's crawl data

  --server SERVER       pywb server url
  --domain DOMAIN       pull all results for given domain or subdomain
  --cdx-api-suffix CDX_API_SUFFIX
                        suffix after index for index api
  --index INDEX         search a specific index
  --filter FILTER       query filter to apply to the search
  --retries RETRIES     number of times to retry fetching results on error
  --threads THREADS     number of concurrent requests to wayback.org


  Searches commoncrawl.org crawl data

  --domain DOMAIN       pull all results for given domain or subdomain
  --index INDEX         search a specific index, e.g. CC-MAIN-2019-22 (default: latest)
  --filter FILTER       query filter to apply to the search
  --retries RETRIES     number of times to retry fetching results on error
  --threads THREADS     number of concurrent requests to commoncrawl.org


  Searches archive.org crawl data

  --domain DOMAIN       pull all results for given domain or subdomain
  --filter FILTER       query filter to apply to the search
  --from FROM           beginning timestamp
  --to TO               end timestamp
  --retries RETRIES     number of times to retry fetching results on error
  --threads THREADS     number of concurrent requests to wayback.org


  Searches bing.com

  --key KEY             API key
  --query QUERY         search query


  Accepts urls from stdin, one per line

Scanner Modules


  Scans with the arachni command-line scanner

  --arachni-dir ARACHNI_DIR
                        arachni base dir containing bin/arachni and bin/arachni_reporter
  --args ARGS           space-delimited list of additional arguments
  --report-dir REPORT_DIR
                        directory to save vulnerability report
  --label LABEL         friendly name field to include in vulnerability report


  Scans with the wapiti3 command-line scanner

  --wapiti-dir WAPITI_DIR
                        wapiti base dir containing bin/wapiti
  --args ARGS           space-delimited list of additional arguments
  --report-dir REPORT_DIR
                        directory to save vulnerability report
  --label LABEL         friendly name field to include in vulnerability report