Implemented MPU6050 DMP by STM32CubeMX HAL lib using CPP with the latest DMP Firmware Version 6.12. The code is modified from STM32_DMP_Driver and arduino lib I2Cdevlib-MPU6050.
Based on an old InvenSense DMP driver with Detailed comments
DMP Firmware Version 6.12 Latest as of today with many features and bug fixes:
Just include either of them
stm32 | arduino | pin |
PB8 | A5 | SCL |
PB9 | A4 | SDA |
PB6 | 0 | TX(USB-RX) |
PB7 | 1 | RX(USB-TX) |
Code generated by CubeMX and remains similar to arduino example MPU6050_DMP6