utopicnarwhal / pocketbase_utils

Dart package that creates a binding between your pocketbase server and your Flutter app by generating typesafe boilerplate code of your collections from `pb_schema.json` file.
Apache License 2.0
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PocketBase Utils

pub package

Dart package that creates a binding between your pocketbase server and your Flutter app by generating typesafe boilerplate code of your collections from pb_schema.json file.


You can use this package directly through the command line on any device with Dart installed.

Follow these steps to get started:

1. Download the collections schema

2. Install the package

Add the package into your pubspec.yaml:

    pocketbase_utils: x.x.x

You also may have to install the json_serializable, equatable, collection, and pocketbase packages.

3. Configure package

Add package configuration to your pubspec.yaml file. Here is a full configuration for the package:

  enabled: true # Required. Must be set to true to activate the package. Default: false
  pb_schema_path: pb_schema.json # Optional. Sets the path of your collection schema file. Default: pb_schema.json
  output_dir: lib/generated/pocketbase # Optional. Sets the directory of generated model files. If the directory doesn't exist — it'll be created. Default: lib/generated/pocketbase
  line_length: 80 # Optional. Sets the length of line for dart formatter of generated code. Default: 80

4. Run the generator

In the root of your flutter project run:

dart run pocketbase_utils:generate

This will produce files inside lib/generated/pocketbase directory. You can also change the output folder to a custom directory by adding the output_dir line in your pubspec.yaml file.

And then to build the toJson and fromJson run:

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs


Contributions are welcome! Please create an issue or make a fork and propose a PR to contribute to this project.


Publish package

dart pub publish --dry-run

Generate code inside the package

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.