uutils / parse_datetime

Parses a relative time string and returns a `Duration`
MIT License
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A Rust crate for parsing human-readable relative time strings and human-readable datetime strings and converting them to a DateTime.



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

parse_datetime = "0.5.0"

Then, import the crate and use the parse_datetime_at_date function:

use chrono::{Duration, Local};
use parse_datetime::parse_datetime_at_date;

let now = Local::now();
let after = parse_datetime_at_date(now, "+3 days");

  (now + Duration::days(3)).naive_utc(),

For DateTime parsing, import the parse_datetime function:

use parse_datetime::parse_datetime;
use chrono::{Local, TimeZone};

let dt = parse_datetime("2021-02-14 06:37:47");
assert_eq!(dt.unwrap(), Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2021, 2, 14, 6, 37, 47).unwrap());

Supported Formats

The parse_datetime and parse_datetime_at_date functions support absolute datetime and the following relative times:

num can be a positive or negative integer. unit can be one of the following: "fortnight", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "min", "second", "sec" and their plural forms.

Return Values

parse_datetime and parse_datetime_at_date

The parse_datetime and parse_datetime_at_date function return:


To run the fuzzer:

$ cd fuzz
$ cargo install cargo-fuzz
$ cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_parse_datetime


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


At some point, this crate was called humantime_to_duration. It has been renamed to cover more cases.