uvejota / edistribucion

Home Assistant custom integration for e-distribución
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 6 forks source link


En primer lugar, gracias a todos por vuestra participación identificando fallos o proponiendo mejoras, pero debido a los últimos movimientos de la distribuidora baneando por las consultas al contador he decidido dejar de mantener este repositorio. En la última versión he deshabilitado, a propósito, las llamadas al contador, ya que no quiero suponer un problema ni a la distribuidora ni a un usuario no avanzado (que se coma un ban sin siquiera entenderlo).

No obstante, si os siguen interesando los datos históricos de consumo y maxímetro, os recomiendo que probéis mi nueva integración 'e-Data', en el repositorio https://github.com/uvejota/homeassistant-edata. En este caso, necesitaréis cuenta en Datadis.es (plataforma de datos unificada por la asociación de eléctricas del territorio nacional). Los motivos del cambio son las siguientes ventajas:

Si lo que queréis, en cambio, es conservar lecturas inmediatas del consumo/potencia de vuestra vivienda, os recomiendo la instalación de dispositivos tipo Shelly EM o sensores PZEM. Funciona mejor que lo que ofrece edistribución, es realmente sencillo de instalar, y tendréis lo que necesitáis.


e-Distribución is an energy distribution company that covers most of South Spain area. If you live in this area, you probably are able to register into their website to get some information about your power demand, energy consumption, or even cycle billing (in terms of consumptions).

Although their application is great, this integration enables you to add a sensor to Home Assistant and getting updated automatically. However, it has some limitations yet, and no front-end support is being provided at the moment.

How to install

  1. Install HACS
  2. Add this repo (https://github.com/uvejota/edistribucion) to the custom repositories in HACS
  3. Install the integration. Please consider that alpha/beta versions are untested, and they might cause bans due to excesive polling.
  4. Add this basic configuration at Home Assistant configuration files (e.g., configuration.yml)

  - platform: edistribucion
    username: !secret eds_user # this key may exist in secrets.yaml!
    password: !secret eds_password # this key may exist in secrets.yaml!

At this point, you got an unique default sensor for the integration, namely sensor.edistribucion, linked to those credentials in the e-Distribución platform. This default sensor assumes the first CUPS that appears in the fetched list of CUPS, which frequently is the most recent contract, so this configuration may be valid for most users. If you need a more detailed configuration, please check the section below "What about customisation?".

What about customisation?

This integration allows you to define some "extra" parameters in order to customise your installation. Check the following complete configuration, with annotations:

  - platform: edistribucion
    username: !secret eds_user # this key may exist in secrets.yaml!
    password: !secret eds_password # this key may exist in secrets.yaml!
    cups: !secret eds_cups # optional, set your CUPS name. If you fail, it will select the first CUPS like by default
    short_interval: 5 # optional, number of minutes between meter updates (those that contain immediate lectures from your counter (e.g., power, load))
    long_interval: 60 # optional, number of minutes between cycle updates (those that contain historical lectures (e.g., maximeter, cycles))
    explode_sensors: # optional, to define extra sensors (separated from sensor.edistribucion) with the names and content specified below
      - energy_total # total counter energy in kWh
      - power_load # power load in %
      - power_limit_p1 # power limit (P1) in kWh
      - power_limit_p2 # power limit (P2) in kWh
      - power # immediate power in kWh
      - energy_today # energy estimation for today in kWh
      - energy_yesterday # energy consumed yesterday in kWh (it may require a few hours to reflect the accumulated energy)
      - energy_yesterday_p1 # same for p1 phase
      - energy_yesterday_p2 # same for p2 phase
      - energy_yesterday_p3 # same for p3 phase
      - cycle_current # energy estimation for current billing cycle in kWh (it may require a few hours to reflect the accumulated energy)
      - cycle_current_p1 # same for p1 phase
      - cycle_current_p2 # same for p2 phase
      - cycle_current_p3 # same for p3 phase
      - cycle_current_daily # daily average
      - cycle_current_days # days in the cycle
      - cycle_current_pvpc # pvpc cost simulation
      - cycle_last # energy estimation for the last billing cycle in kWh (it may require a few hours to reflect the accumulated energy)
      - cycle_last_p1 # same for p1 phase
      - cycle_last_p2 # same for p2 phase
      - cycle_last_p3 # same for p3 phase
      - cycle_last_daily # daily average
      - cycle_last_days # days in the cycle
      - cycle_last_pvpc # pvpc cost simulation (only w/ 2.0TD; no data before 1-jun-2021 will be calculated)
      - power_peak # highest power peak in kW during the last 12 months
      - power_peak_mean # mean of monthly power peaks in kW during the last 12 months
      - power_peak_tile90 # percentile 90 of monthly power peaks in kW during the last 12 months

What if this configuration is not enough for you, and you have a great idea to save energy?

Ask for it at https://github.com/uvejota/edistribucion/issues!


Although we are not providing any custom front-end at the moment, you can use the following code to define some basic cards:

type: vertical-stack
title: Consumo eléctrico
  - type: sensor
    entity: sensor.edistribucion
    graph: line
    name: Potencia instantánea
    detail: 2
  - type: markdown
    content: >-
      {% for attr in states.sensor.edistribucion.attributes %}
      {%- if not attr=="friendly_name" and not attr=="unit_of_measurement"  and not attr=="icon" -%}
      **{{attr}}**: {{state_attr("sensor.edistribucion", attr)}}
      {{- '\n' -}}
      {%- endif %}
      {%- endfor -%}
    title: Informe



This repository is maintained by @uvejota and @jcortizronda for free, as a personal learning project. It was inspired by @jagalindo work (https://github.com/jagalindo/edistribucion), also maintaining some API-related code from @trocotronic repository (https://github.com/trocotronic/edistribucion).