uvic-teach / project-m1-team9

project-m1-team9 created by GitHub Classroom
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Mr. ED


A Django based user interface for the Mr. ED project. Acts as a bridge for the user to access all microservices.

Hosted on Google Cloud. Visit here!

The microservices incorporated are:

Each microservice has their own directory, and associated README.

Feature Contribution

The current workflow is to maintain a "dev" branch and a "main" (production) branch. Main should not be touched until milestone completion, where all work from the dev branch will be merged in.

To develop a feature, create a new branch with a descriptive lowercase name in your preferred Git interface (GUI, CLI, etc.). Commit any code changes into the feature branch. For associated diagrams, commit them the dev branch, NOT the feature branch.

Create pull request when the feature is complete, to merge your feature into dev - add comments if necessary and have it review by one other person on the team. Afterwards, close the feature branch.

At the end of the milestone / sprint, dev will be merged into main. We have dev as the "default" branch to avoid accidentally branching from or adding to main, so to merge dev into main, main will have to be swapped back into being the default branch.

How to create diagrams

Navigate to https://app.diagrams.net/?mode=github and authorize with your GitHub.

Existing Document

Select Existing Document and scroll down to uvic-teach/project-m1-team9, navigate to /Assets/ and begin editing a file. Save at the top when changes are complete and changes will be commited to repo.

New Document

Select new document. Changes file type to png so that you can link directly to it in Markdown files and they render instantly.



A microservice designed to display a map of nearby Emergency Departments based on the user's location. Automatically integrated via workflows and deployed to Google Cloud. Visit the live development version here!

How to contribute to the EDUserManagement Service

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory - you should see manage.py.

  2. Create a Virtual Environment:

    • To create a virtual environment, use the following command:

      python3 -m venv venv

      Replace venv with your preferred name for the virtual environment.

    • Activate the Virtual Environment:

      • On Windows:
      • On macOS and Linux:
      source venv/bin/activate

    Using a virtual environment is recommended to isolate project dependencies, and avoid you filling your default python3 install with a lot of packages.

  3. Install project dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Build/Update database schema

    python3 manage.py makemigrations
    python3 manage.py migrate
  5. Run the server

    python3 manage.py runserver

    Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to see the project running.

  6. Make a curl request to check an endpoint

    curl http://localhost:8000/eduser/user/1/

Testing Service Tokens with the Application

To contribute to this application and test service tokens, follow these concise steps:

  1. Generate a Service Token:

    • Use the Django admin panel or Django shell to generate a token for your service.
    • For Django shell:
      python manage.py shell

      Then in the shell:

      from EDUserManagementApp.models import ServiceAccount
      ServiceAccount.objects.create(service_name='YourServiceName', token='your_generated_token')
  2. Start the Django Development Server:

    • Run the Django development server:
      python manage.py runserver
  3. Make a curl Request:

    • Use curl to make a request to the application, including the service token in the request header.
    • Replace your_generated_token with the token from step 1 and your_endpoint with the specific endpoint you wish to test:
      curl -H "Authorization: your_generated_token" http://localhost:8000/your_endpoint/
  4. Analyze the Response:

    • A successful response indicates that the service token is working.
    • An unauthorized error (status code 401) indicates an invalid or missing token.

Please ensure your service name and generated token are kept secure and are used in accordance with our application's security guidelines.

TODO: In the future we will need to setup repository secrets with unique keys for each service, and inject them into the application during the GitHub Actions workflow for each microservice.