uwblueprint / sistering

Sistering's volunteer scheduling and management web application.
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A volunteer management web application built for Sistering.

Made with starter-code-v2, brought to you by the UW Blueprint Internal Tools team!

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Set up

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the project folder
    git clone https://github.com/uwblueprint/sistering.git
    cd sistering
  2. Pull secrets from Vault
    vault kv get -format=json kv/sistering | python update_secret_files.py
  3. Set a post-merge Git hook to automatically pull from Vault after every pull on origin's main branch
    ./setup.sh "kv/sistering" "main"
  4. Run the application
    docker-compose up --build

Useful Commands

Get Names and Statuses of Running Containers

docker ps

Accessing PostgreSQL Database

# run a psql shell in the DB container (postgres is the default user)
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash -c "psql -U postgres -d sistering"

# in postgres shell, some common commands:
# display all table names
# display user-defined types, including enums
# quit
# you can run any SQL query, don't forget the semicolon!
SELECT * FROM <table-name>;

Linting and Formatting

# linting & formatting warnings only
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash -c "yarn lint"

# linting with fix & formatting
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash -c "yarn fix"

Running Tests

docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash -c "yarn test"


To create a new migration, change the schema.prisma file as required and run npx prisma migrate dev --name <DESCRIPTIVE_NAME> --create-only

NOTE: You should be running this in the backend docker container cli, not locally. This is because the DB secrets will only be injected in that container

Version Control Guide


# currently working on feature branch, there are new commits on main
git pull origin main --rebase

# if there are conflicts, resolve them and then:
git add .
git rebase --continue

# force push to remote feature branch
git push -f


# last commit contained a typo, fixed now
git add .
git commit -m "Fix typo"

# fixup into previous commit through interactive rebase
# x in HEAD~x refers to the last x commits you want to view
git rebase -i HEAD~2
# text editor opens, follow instructions in there to fixup

# force push to remote feature branch
git push -f

1: From Git's own guidelines