uwescience / sqlshare-pythonclient

The Python client for the SQLShare REST API
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A Python client for the SQLShare REST API.

Quick Example of Use

IPython Notebook Example of using the SQLShare Python Client

Quick Setup Instructions

These quick instructions are provided for experts comfortable with the command-line environments and open-source tools. For more detailed instructions, see below.

  1. Download the source and install the API

    git clone git://github.com/uwescience/sqlshare-pythonclient.git
  2. Install the Python libraries.

    sudo python setup.py install
  3. Make sure your own API key is configured in your home directory, in the file .sqlshare/config.

    On Mac or Linux platforms, you can create the directory: mkdir -p ~/.sqlshare.

    Then create a file called config in that directory using your favorite editor (e.g., vim ~/.sqlshare/config) with the following contents:

  4. Use the command line tools in tools/*, or write your own Python programs using these tools as examples.

The remainder of this document provides some additional details.

Setup Instructions

Download the code

Option 1: Download the raw source code

The SQLShare Python API code is stored on GitHub. To check it out, use git.

    git clone git://github.com/uwescience/sqlshare-pythonclient.git

Now switch to the directory containing the code for further steps.

    cd sqlshare-pythonclient

Option 2: Download a zip file of the source

You can download a zip of the code from this link. After unzipping it, open a command-line terminal in the newly unzipped directory sqlshare-pythonclient-master.

For example, if the file unzipped to your Downloads directory on OS X:

    cd ~/Downloads/sqlshare-pythonclient-master

Install the SQLShare Python library

To use the Python API, you need to either 1) install the module as a Python library or 2) add the directory that contains the Python module to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Option 1: Install the Python module system-wide

To install as a Python module, use python setup.py just like you install other 3rd party modules.

    python setup.py install

If the above does not work, you may need to use sudo python setup.py install to install the code as a user with the right to modify system files.

Option 2. Put the Python module in your PYTHONPATH environment variable.

From the cloned sqlshare-pythonclient or unzipped sqlshare-pythonclient-master directory:


You will need this command to be run every time you open a terminal. The way to do this in an OS X/Linux environment is to install this command in your profile file. For example, on OS X, you need to put this line in the file $HOME/.bash_profile.

    echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH':`pwd` >> ~/.bash_profile

Configuring your SQLShare API Key

Create a SQLShare account, if you don't already have one

Visit the SQLShare web site and sign in using either UW NetID or Google Account.

Create an API key, if you don't already have one

To obtain or create your API key, visit https://sqlshare.escience.washington.edu/sqlshare/#s=credentials.

Create the API key configuration File

The Python API reads login information from a configuration file, stored in your home directory at $HOME/.sqlshare/config.

  1. Create the directory

    mkdir -p $HOME/.sqlshare
  2. Here is a sample of the text that should be in the file config in that directory ($HOME/.sqlshare/config).


Note that password is your API key, not your UW NetID or Google Account password.

Your user name is shown at the top right in SQLShare. It is typically your email address.

The source code

The SQL Share Python API and clients are under src/python/sqlshare/ in the SVN repository and have following structure.

sqlshare/ : the directory contains the Python module code
      fetchdata.py   : download a dataset or the answer to a SQL query
      multiupload.py : upload multiple CSV files
      permissions.py : manage ACL of SQL share datasets

Example uses

Download a dataset

The following command downloads the dataset [sqlshare@uw.edu].[periodic_table] and stores it in the output file output.csv.

python fetchdata.py -d "[sqlshare@uw.edu].[periodic_table]" -o periodic.csv

To get tab-separated values instead:

python fetchdata.py -d "[sqlshare@uw.edu].[periodic_table]" -f tsv -o periodic.txt

Download the answer to a query

This uses the same fetchdata.py program as above. Here, we supply the -s option (SQL) instead of -d (dataset).

To fetch the noble gases in the periodic table:

python fetchdata.py -s "SELECT * FROM [sqlshare@uw.edu].[periodic_table] WHERE [group]=18" -o noble.csv

Upload CSV files

Uploading a CSV file is easy

python multiupload.py csvfile1 csvfile2 ... csvfileN

Manage dataset permissions

python permissions.py -t TABLENAME print
python permissions.py -t TABLENAME add user1 user2 ... userN
python permissions.py -t TABLENAME remove user1 user2 ... userN

Append CSV files to an existing dataset

python append.py datasetName csvfile1 csvfile2 ... csvfileN


NotImplementedError: fetchdata.py requires Python 2.7.

If you see this error message, you are using an old version of Python. This tool requires Python 2.7. (Note: This is shorthand for Python 2.7.anything --- as long as the first two numbers are 2.7. At the time of writing, the newest version is 2.7.5)

Let's see if you have a newer version of Python on your computer:

python2.7 --version

a. If this check works, you will see a message like

    Python 2.7.5

In this case, all you need to do is invoke the tool using python2.7 fetchdata.py instead of python fetchdata.py.

b. If this check fails, you need to download and install Python 2.7 for your computer. At the time of writing, the latest version is Python 2.7.5.

After you download and install Python 2.7, try the above check again. You should be good to go!

Troubleshooting other problems

Please create a new issue in this project's issues tracker. Try to describe the problem in as much detail as possible, and someone will get back to you soon.