uwhpsc-2016 / homework1

Homework #1
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Excercise 2: Part 2 syntax #43

Open bplilley opened 8 years ago

bplilley commented 8 years ago

Python doesn't seem to like it when I use the variable 'x' for the minima. Will we get marked down if we use something else (like 'xm')? Or is there some trick I'm missing that would allow the use of 'x'?

bplilley commented 8 years ago

For some reason the asterisk symbol didn't show up in my post. So where it says x it should have x followed by an asterisk.

mvelegar commented 8 years ago

Python, like most languages, only allows alphabets, numerals and underscore in variable names. Characters like * + - / are reserved for arithmetic and other operations. Google Python Operators for details.

You may pick your own variable names, but do not change function names or signatures, so that our test suites work with your code.