uwhpsc-2016 / homework1

Homework #1
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Homework 1

The first homework assignment will be written entirely in Python. It will serve, in part, as practice for submitting homework using git and GitHub as well as a test of your Python, Numpy, and Matplotlib knowledge and your general programming abilities.

Please see the document "Grading.md" on the course website for instructions on how to write and submit your homework. This repository should have the name


and should be labeled as "private". (Visible by yourself and the instructors and teaching assistants, only.) Do not manually fork the repository uwhpsc-2016/homework1. Instead, follow the link sent to you via email to obtain your private copy / fork of this repo.

Recall that there are four main components that you will be graded on:

Do not forget to commit and push your changes to your private repository.