uwhpsc-2016 / homework1

Homework #1
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Submitting Homework #60

Open anders34 opened 8 years ago

anders34 commented 8 years ago

Unless this information is somewhere else, would you mind explaining again exactly what we have to do in order to submit the homework? I've finished everything else and I just don't want to mess up this last step.

anders34 commented 8 years ago

And also, along with that, are we only pushing Exercise1.py, Exercise2.py, Exercise3.py, and report.pdf?

cswiercz commented 8 years ago


$ git push

to push your commits to the GitHub repository. The default remote should automatically be set to https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework1-anders34. As mentioned in the email I sent to the class, if you cannot see your work at


then we cannot grade it.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

We will be testing the contents of homework/exerciseN.py as well as your report/report.pdf. The tests you've written are only to your benefit.

anders34 commented 8 years ago

So in the terminal, we first do git init, right? And then git add? And do we just add the 4 files mentioned above? then git commit and then git push?

anders34 commented 8 years ago

also, I accidentally already added all of homework1-anders34. do I have to clear that somehow?

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

We talked about git during the first week of class and I have demonstrated in class how to submit your homework. Regardless, I will repeat the steps:

  1. Obtain your private GitHub repo by clicking on the link provided via email. (You have already done this and now have ownership of https://github.com/uwhpsc-2016/homework1-anders34 )
  2. Create a local clone on SMC. Based on what I see in your SMC project (which I can view) you've successfully done this step.
  3. git add any changes you've made --- files added, edited, etc.
  4. git commit these changes. This will create a commit with the changes you've specified.
  5. This commit only lives on your SMC clone. You need to git push these commits to your GitHub repository.

Please review the lecture on git.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Additionally, you do not need to execute git init because the directory you cloned from GitHub is, by definition, a directory which is managed under git.

anders34 commented 8 years ago

should the terminal I'm using to do this be inside the homework1-anders34 folder?

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

Yes, you need to be in the directory homework-anders43 on SMC...

anders34 commented 8 years ago

Alright, I think I finally figured it out. Thanks for your help!

rhong32 commented 8 years ago

I might have made a mistake. On my github private repository homework1-rhong32 I saw the button "Upload File". So, in the folder homework1, I uploaded my .py files for Exercise1, Exercise2, and Exercise3 and clicked on my github repository to commit this changes. I see the files in my private repository. I'm just not sure if this will cause any problems for grading.

Also, now, I cannot push any more changes directly from my sagemath account.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

I might have made a mistake. On my github private repository homework1-rhong32 I saw the button "Upload File". So, in the folder homework1, I uploaded my .py files for Exercise1, Exercise2, and Exercise3 and clicked on my github repository to commit this changes. I see the files in my private repository. I'm just not sure if this will cause any problems for grading.

This should be sufficient for this simple homework. but make sure to use git push next time.

Also, now, I cannot push any more changes directly from my sagemath account.

I will look into this.

cswiercz commented 8 years ago

@rhong32 I took a look at your SMC project. Please review the demonstration of how to obtain, work on, and submit homework I gave in-class two weeks ago.

You must review git before starting the next homework.