uwhvz / uwhvz

The current UWaterloo Humans vs Zombies website, built with Django.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

University of Waterloo - Humans vs Zombies


The latest UWaterloo HvZ website. Built on Django.

Dev Setup

To create a local instance of the site for development, and create a venv:

git clone git@github.com:uwhvz/uwhvz.git
python -m venv venv # Makes virtualenv in "venv" folder

Activate the venv on Windows using:


Or on Unix-Based Systems:

source venv/bin/activate

Setting up dependencies at their current versions requires specific pip and setuptools versions:

pip install pip==19.0.3
pip install setuptools==40.8.0
pip install -r requirements.txt  # dependency file in root

Finally, to run the test server

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Required Environment Variables:


Useful things

API Documentation

The website has a public API currently under development. You can check out the documentation here.

Production Setup


The site is currently hosted on: Computer Science Club (CSC) servers.

We use a detached screen to run Gunicorn, which lets us run the site. Important commands include:

If no screen is found, do the following:

screen -S gunicorn
source venv/bin/activate
gunicorn --bind uwhvz.wsgi

Exit out of the screen session (but keep it running) with Ctrl+A+D. Failure to do this will make restarting the server significantly harder. Afterwards, check if the website is online.


If frontend-related changes are not refreshed on the site originally upon pulling, use python manage.py collectstatic, and restart the server. If that doesn't work, do the following:

rm -rf /static/
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py compress --engine jinja2

The last line is for optimizing the size of our assets. Failure to run the last line will cause a 500 error.


  1. If anything is wrong, make an issue on the repo.
  2. If you are willing to take an issue/task on, do step 1 if it's not already logged, assign yourself, and make a PR!
  3. Your PR needs to be approved by an admin.
  4. Once you're approved, you can merge and celebrate :tada: