uz0 /

Unit bot platform for dcversus
MIT License
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Bot is powerful service what provide communication between people in community.



Easy development start: npm i and npm run dev THEN u can create new modules. (using nedb and http adapter).

TIP for debugging used Debug, please set env debug=bot:* to see details then app started <3

other commands



Atomic element, we use it to build all bot functionality. It simple function what get request and context and return new mutated request object.

request like temp container what keep all session data (UNDERWORK! Signature unstable).

context immutable structure what contain basic functions provided by modules when app start __INIT__ or per each request by adapters (then process calling) see Adapters, DB and Modules for detail information

Basic example (signature):

async (request, context) => {
    //... CHECKERS (to prevent unexpected mutation)
    if (request.something) {
        return request; // if we return request, we skip executor

    // OR skip executor-set
    if (request.something && context.someMethod()) {
        return; // if we return null, we skip executor and all executor set in this module (executor set) see later

    //... request MUTATIONS
    request.someData = true;

    // OR
    try {
        request.test = await someAsyncCall(); // we can write like this
    } catch (error) {
        throw(new Error());

    return request;

// Also good point to deconstruction context
async (request, { i18n, db }) => { ... }

module (executors set)

Module is array of executors. Each executor called by declared order and transmit mutated request to next executor in array.

If executor return null we prevent call rest executors in array! Also good point use this behavior for filtering in queue.

If executor throw('error') app also skip rest executors in array and add to esponse.error error tip. U can use it after filtering by some conditions and provide information for user.


instance.use([someFilter, errorer, mutate]);

// where
function someFilter(request, context) {
    if (request.input[0] === '1') {
        return request; // we pass only then first input symbol equal '!'

function errorer(request, context) {
    if (request.input[0] !== '2') {
        throw('SECOND SYMBOL NOT 2');

    return request;

function mutate(request) {
    request.output = '3';

    return request;

Also we can create advanced cases with different filters/filter factories and subchains

    [someFilter, filter2, mutate1, mutate2],
    [filter, filterFactory('someType'), mutate],


Adapter is a executor with __INIT__ that must call context.process its start execute modules chain. Any client must emit proccess call then something happens and provide context with event data. Be sure to transform any handled data to universal form.

Client also must provide callback function, that will be called after all modules will be executed!

In general cases we provide input and _handleDirect and basic adapter ready to serve! :)

client.onEvent(data => {
        input: data.msg,
        _handleDirect(request) {

Also, if adapter can provide sending messages to several places, need setup in __INIT__ sectioncontext._handlers.${adapterName} function with ({ message, to, ...}) where

executor init

App provide only one function: process, other features provided by modules in __INIT__ section. __INIT__ is a function, what get context and must return context. Init can mutate context to add some properties and call something then it need (it call once, then app starts.

It can be usefull for: setup/init something before app start get requests, provide functions for other modules (like i18n or db connectors) or emit proccess handler (as adapters).

Basic usecase:

const executor = () {
    console.log('i called every time, then someone call process')

executor.__INIT__ = (context) {
    console.log('i called once, then app starts')

    return context;


const twitterExample = (request, context) {
    if (context.event !== 'tweet') {

    const id = parseIdFromPost(request.input);

    if (!id) {

    const post = context.getTwitterPostById(id);

    return request;

twitterExample.__INIT__ = (context) {
    context.getTwitterPostById = twitter.getTwitterPostById;

    twtitter.on('tweet').then(data =>
            event: 'tweet',
            input: data.tweet.toText(),
            _handleDirect: () => {}, // no back handler for this adapter!

    return context;

user model


Module db must provide three basics

adater details


This modules provide funcs to context:

other modules


Each adapter must provide:

adater details