v2rayA / v2raya-openwrt

opkg feed of v2rayA for OpenWrt users
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opkg feed of v2rayA for OpenWrt users.


How to install

  1. Add v2rayA usign key

    Make sure package wget-ssl or libustream is installed on your device

    wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/v2raya/openwrt/v2raya.pub -O /etc/opkg/keys/94cc2a834fb0aa03
  2. Import v2rayA feed

    echo "src/gz v2raya https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/v2raya/openwrt/$(. /etc/openwrt_release && echo "$DISTRIB_ARCH")" | tee -a "/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf"
  3. Update feeds

    opkg update
  4. Install v2rayA and its dependencies

    opkg install v2raya
    # Check your firewall implementation
    # Install the following packages for the nftables-based firewall4 (command -v fw4)
    # Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 22.03 and later
    opkg install kmod-nft-tproxy
    # Install the following packages for the iptables-based firewall3 (command -v fw3)
    # Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 21.02 and earlier
    opkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra \
     iptables-mod-extra \
     iptables-mod-filter \
     iptables-mod-tproxy \
    # Choose a core you'd like to use, v2ray or Xray
    # If you have both installed, the latter is preferred by default
    # Note from maintainer: due to broken tproxy support in v2ray, recommend using Xray instead
    opkg install xray-core
    # opkg install v2ray-core
    # Optional
    # opkg install v2fly-geoip v2fly-geosite

How to use