vaadin / bookstore-example

Example Vaadin project available at
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example vaadin

Bookstore App Starter for Vaadin

A project example for a Vaadin application that only requires a Servlet 3.1 container to run (no other JEE dependencies). The UI is built with Java only.

The easiest way of using it is via - you can choose the package naming you want.


The project can be imported into the IDE of your choice, with Java 8 or 11 installed, as a Maven project.

Project Structure

The project is following the standard Maven project layout.


To compile the entire project, run "mvn install" in the project root.

Other basic workflow steps:

Running Integration Tests

Integration tests are implemented using TestBench. The tests take a few minutes to run and are therefore included in a separate Maven profile. To run the tests using Google Chrome, execute

mvn verify -Pit

and make sure you have a valid TestBench license installed. If the tests fail because of an old Chrome Driver or you want to use a different browser, you'll need to update the webdrivers.xml file in the project root.

Profile it adds the following parameters to run integration tests:

If you would like to run a separate test make sure you have added these parameters to VM Options of JUnit run configuration

Branching information: