vaadin / vaadin-connect

A Vaadin Labs experiment with a secure stateless communication framework
Apache License 2.0
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Define how TS types are generated for Java types with `@JsonIgnore` and other Jackson annotations #402

Open vlukashov opened 5 years ago

vlukashov commented 5 years ago

Error: Message: 'Validation error in service 'UserEndpoint' method 'update'', additional details: '[{"parameterName":"password","message":"Object of type 'class' has invalid property 'password' with value 'null', validation error: 'must not be null'"}]'

Does not sound very reasonable when password is marked with @JsonIgnore.

Legioth commented 5 years ago

@JsonIgnore is probably the most important annotation, but it would also be great if some other annotations would be taken into account: