vaadin / vaadin-connect

A Vaadin Labs experiment with a secure stateless communication framework
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 5 forks source link

= This project has been archived

Vaadin Connect is being integrated into link:[Vaadin Flow]. Please file any issues or improvement suggestions in that repository.

= Vaadin Connect

== What is Vaadin Connect

Vaadin Connect is a bridge between Java backend services and a TypeScript frontend. It includes an HTTP API server and generates TypeScript clients to call the Java backend in a type-checkable way. Security is built-in by default.

The following two snippets show the basic code that you need to write in order to expose a Java service and consume it from TypeScript.


@VaadinService public class DateService { public int getDayOfYear(LocalDate date) { return date.getDayOfYear(); } }

[source,typescript] .app.ts

import * as dateService from './generated/DateService';

showDayOfYearButton.onclick = async() => { const dayOfYear: number = await dateService.getDayOfYear(new Date()); dayOfYearLabel.textContent = dayOfYear; };

This graph outlines in a simple way the elements involved when using a service:

.Simplified Vaadin Connect RPC sequence diagram image::doc/simplified-rpc-sequence.svg[opts=inline]

=== Elements of Vaadin Connect

The Vaadin Connect collection of tools and libraries includes:

[NOTE] The current version of the vaadin-connect Java library is implemented using link:[Spring].

== Why to use Vaadin Connect?

Vaadin Connect gives a "better than REST" experience for the development teams that use Java on the backend, and TypeScript on the frontend.

=== Easy to expose business services

Vaadin Connect is designed to facilitate the access of business procedures that run in the java backend, hence, business logic can still be developed in Java taking advantage of its security and type-safety.

Vaadin Connect provides the the following features:

=== Type-checkable API access from TypeScript

Vaadin Connect generator produces TypeScript frontend counterparts from the annotated Java service classes. The key benefits of this approach are:

=== Security

The authentication layer based on OAuth 2.0 is included in Vaadin Connect.

=== Easy to scale

In Vaadin Connect, the backend services are stateless. Instead of storing the sessions on the backend server, every authenticated request comes with an access_token containing the information about the user.

This enables easy cluster backend deployments, as there is no need to manage a shared session storage between multiple backend servers.

NOTE: Although Vaadin Connect services do not need session to work, the app logic still can use sessions when needed.

=== Works with any UI framework

Vaadin Connect is agnostic to frontend frameworks, and can be used with React, Angular, Vue, etc.

=== Supports Vaadin components

The link:[`base-starter-connect`] example application provides the basic structure of a new application made with Vaadin Connect.

The frontend part of the base-starter-connect uses Vaadin components, as well as provides support for third-party and community Web Components out-of-the-box:

=== Modern ES6 / ES2017 based frontend

Vaadin Connect generated TypeScript is compiled to ES modules output format. ES modules is an established web standard, that allows static code analysis and processing, and is supported by all modern web browsers, as well as many existing tools and libraries.

The generated services are build around async / await, and use the fetch API as a network layer.

The base-starter-connect example application provides bundling, transpilation, and necessary polyfills for the frontend code. The bundling is made with differencial serving in mind, and results in two bundle versions:

=== Next Steps