vaadin / vaadin-connect

A Vaadin Labs experiment with a secure stateless communication framework
Apache License 2.0
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Consider re-wording the VaadinConnectError message #403

Open vlukashov opened 5 years ago

vlukashov commented 5 years ago

Did something change regarding VaadinConnectException in 0.9? In the UI I now see Reason: Message: 'User is locked and cannot be modified', additional details: 'undefined' instead of the previous Reson: User is locked and cannot be modified

Artur- commented 5 years ago

The problem is as follows:

  1. On the server I throw an exception with a message saying "foo"
  2. On the client, the message property of the exception is not "foo" but rather "Message: 'foo', additional details: 'undefined'"
  3. There is no way other to access the original message

Assuming that "message" is a special case on the client side used for logging the exception, I would expect that