vaadin / vaadin-connect

A Vaadin Labs experiment with a secure stateless communication framework
Apache License 2.0
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Consider using maven-frontend-plugin instead of exec-maven-plugin for npm #406

Open vlukashov opened 5 years ago

vlukashov commented 5 years ago

While deploying connect starter to heroku, the only problem I've got is that it did not have Node installed. Since I don't bother to find how to have node install in heroku, I changed the pom.xml to use maven frontend plugin, then everything works.

Artur Signell Has it been considered whether npm start should invoke npm install if there is no node_modules folder?

Manolo Is that a common practice for the frontend-devs audience? or do we to facilitate things

Artur Signell Ehm, this already happens but is always run as part of install-frontend-deps so through Maven? Why?

It also runs npm install which removes any linked modules from node_modules, which breaks my project

Artur Signell Is the idea to have it inside a production profile?

Artur Signell Also why use maven exec plugin when there is a frontend plugin for Maven?

Manolo frontend plugin seems not use the system node and npm isntallation, at least when I took a look

Manolo install-frontend-deps is a task for the verify phase to run e2e

Artur Signell Would it make sense in the long run to keep npm install and related frontend stuff to npm and mvn package and related Maven stuff to Maven?

The original idea was to have Vaadin CLI connect the two when needed

Manolo You mean not to run frontend tests and e2e tests in maven? or at least not to do as part of the verify process ?

Artur Signell Install Java deps using Maven Run Java tests using Maven Install npm deps using npm Run frontend tests using npm

Leif Åstrand How would end-to-end tests be run?

Artur Signell Through Maven if it requires both frontend and backend

Artur Signell but that would probably then assume that npm install has been run

Manolo The reason why this is in this way is because this ticket