vac686 / TFGcolors

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Refective RGB color calculation.

1. Requirements

3. Project structure

Regarding the project structure, within the tfgColors folder there are two folders, api_color and web_client.

Server structure.

In the api_color folder, the server is created. Within the src directory, there are several folders: the calculo_color folder contains the classes with the server's internal logic, and the rest folder contains the API that launches the server. Additionally, there is a test folder where the unit tests using unittest and the interface tests using Selenium are located. All the server-side code is written in the Python programming language

Client structure.

In the web_client folder, there are three files responsible for generating the client. The index.html file contains the HTML code for creating the client's web page. The script.js file contains the client's functionality in JavaScript, and the style.css file contains the styling for the client's web page.


To run the application, you need to start the server using, and then open index.html in a web browser.