vadimeisenbergibm / envoy-generic-forward-proxy

This repo shows how envoy can be used as a generic forward proxy on Kubernetes. "Generic" means that it will allow proxying any host, not a predefined set of hosts.
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Envoy as a generic forward proxy

This sample shows how Envoy can be used as a generic forward proxy on Kubernetes. "Generic" means that it will allow proxying any host, not a predefined set of hosts.


Suppose we need a Kubernetes service named forward-proxy. The service will be used as a forward proxy to an arbitrary host. The service must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. The following request should be proxied to curl forward-proxy/headers -H" -H Foo:bar

  2. The following request should be proxied to, with TLS origination performed by forward-proxy: curl -v forward-proxy:443 -H Host:

    Note that the request to the forward proxy is sent over HTTP. The forward proxy opens a TLS connection to .

  3. A nice-to-have feature: use forward-proxy as HTTP proxy. http_proxy=forward-proxy:80 curl -H Foo:bar

  4. Another nice-to-have feature, to show Envoy's capabilities as a sidecar proxy. Transparently catch all the traffic inside a pod with the forward-proxy container and direct the traffic through the proxy. Use iptables for directing the traffic.

  5. Use Envoy's filters for monitoring, transforming, policing the traffic that goes through the forward proxy.

  6. Add SNI while performing TLS origination.

This sample shows how Envoy together with NGINX can satisfy the requirements above. The requirement 5 is satisfied trivially, by using Envoy. While Envoy can function perfectly as a forward proxy for predefined hosts, it cannot satisfy the requirement 1. NGINX is used for the generic forward proxy functionality.

Envoy can satisfy the requirement 4, using orignal destination clusters. However, even for this requirement there are issues.

First, Envoy forwards the request by the destination IP, not by the host header. This way, policing the requests cannot be performed based on the destination host, since Envoy will send the request by the IP anyway. A malicious application can issue a request to a malicious IP with a valid host name. Envoy will check the host name, but will not be able to verify that the host name matches the IP. NGINX can forward the request by the host header, disregarding the original destination IP.

Second, Envoy will not be able to set SNI correctly for an arbitrary site, based on the Host header, see this comment. NGINX can set SNI based on the Host header, using proxy_ssl_server_name directive. Let's add the additional requirements:

  1. When being used as a sidecar proxy, the forward-proxy must direct the traffic by the Host header, not by the original IP.

  2. When performing TLS origination, the forward-proxy must set SNI according to the Host header.

Using Envoy in tandem with NGINX seems to satisfy the requirements cleanly. Envoy will direct all the traffic to NGINX instances running as forward proxies. Most of the features of Envoy, in particular its HTTP Filters, will be available, while NGINX will complement Envoy, providing missing features for proxying to arbitrary sites.

In this sample, I demonstrate two cases:

  1. Using Envoy with NGINX as a generic forward proxy for other pods (other pods can access arbitrary hosts via the forward proxy)
  2. Using Envoy with NGINX as a sidecar generic forward proxy (the application in the pod can access arbitrary hosts via the forward proxy)

Building and Pushing to the docker hub

Perform this step if you want to run your own version of the forward proxy. Alternatively, skip this step and use the version in .

./ <your docker hub user name>.

Envoy as a generic forward proxy to other pods

Deployment to Kubernetes

  1. Edit forward_proxy.yaml: replace vadimeisenbergibm with your docker hub username. Alternatively, just use the images from .

  2. Deploy the forward proxy: kubectl apply -f forward_proxy.yaml

  3. Deploy a pod to issue curl commands. I use the sleep pod from the Istio samples. Any other pod with curl installed is good enough. kubectl apply -f


Test HTTPS (TLS origination)

curl -v forward-proxy:80 -H

will return 301 Moved Permanently, location: .

The same result for:

http_proxy=forward-proxy:80 curl -v

We need to perform TLS origination for

curl -v forward-proxy:443 -H


http_proxy=forward-proxy:443 curl -v

Note that we performed HTTP call and used an HTTP proxy (http_proxy) to connect to via HTTPS. We send requests by HTTP, and the forward-proxy performs TLS origination for us.

Envoy as a sidecar generic forward proxy

Deployment to Kubernetes

  1. Edit sidecar_forward_proxy.yaml: replace vadimeisenbergibm with your docker hub username. Alternatively, just use the images from .

  2. Deploy the forward proxy: kubectl apply -f sidecar_forward_proxy.yaml


Get a shell into the sleep container of the sidecar-forward-proxy pod:

kubectl exec -it sidecar-forward-proxy -c sleep bash

Compare with predefined Envoy hosts

For performance measurements, let's deploy Envoy forward proxy for two predefined hosts, and

  1. Deploy the forward proxy with predefined hosts:

kubectl apply -f forward_proxy_predefined_hosts.yaml

  1. From a pod with curl installed, perform:

curl forward-proxy-predefined-hosts/headers -H Foo: bar

  1. Perform:

curl -s forward-proxy-predefined-hosts:443 | grep -o '<title>.*</title>'

Compare with a standalone Envoy with original_dst cluster (without NGINX)

  1. Deploy a sidecar Envoy with original_dst cluster, without NGINX:

kubectl apply -f sidecar_orig_dst_proxy.yaml

  1. The pod contains a fortio container, for perfomance measurements. Perform:

kubectl exec -it sidecar-orig-dst-proxy -c fortio -- fortio load -curl -H Foo:bar

Compare with NGINX standalone forward proxy (without Envoy)

  1. Deploy:

kubectl apply -f forward_proxy_nginx.yaml

  1. From a pod with curl installed, perform: curl -H Foo:bar -H http://forward-proxy-nginx/headers

Performance measurement

  1. Deploy a fortio pod: kubectl apply -f fortio.yaml

  2. Run performance tests, for example:

kubectl exec -it fortio -- fortio load

kubectl exec -it fortio -- fortio load http://forward-proxy-predefined-hosts/headers

kubectl exec -it fortio -- fortio load -H http://forward-proxy/headers

  1. To check that the hosts are accessed correctly, add -curl flag to fortio load.

Code Organization

Implementation Details