valbok / bvh3

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Bounding Volume Hierarchy Tree

Введение в дискретно-ориентированные многогранники для задачи определения столкновений.

Simple implementation of BVH-tree using k-DOP as a bounding volume for Collision Detection task. Bhv3 is a binary tree that allows to search collided object elements effectively.


Discrete Orientation Polytopes - the bounding volume that provides an ability to reduce cost of collision detection. Is a convex polytope bounded by k hyperplanes with fixed orientations.

Only 16, 18 and 24 planes have been implemented there.


$ cmake .; make

Run a test:

$ ./bvh3/tests/NodeTest


Two different dots should not collide (16 - is a number of planes):

KDop<16> bv1({3, 1, 0});
KDop<16> bv2({1, 5, 0});

Creating one k-DOP from two:

KDop<16> bv1({3, 1, 0});
KDop<16> bv2({1, 5, 0});
bv1 += bv2;

Creating a tree:

TVertices vertex1 =
    {3, 1, 0}

TVertices vertex2 =
    {3, 3, 0}

auto root1 = buildTree<KDop<16> >(vertex1);
auto root2 = buildTree<KDop<16> >(vertex2);
TNodeKDop16::TCollidedNodes output;
// No collision found
bool found = root1->collided(root2, output);
delete root1;
delete root2;

Unfortunatelly line collided with just a dot:

TVertices vertices1 =
    {3, 1, 0},
    {1, 5, 0}

TVertices vertices2 =
    {3, 3, 0}

auto root1 = buildTree<KDop<16> >(vertices1);
auto root2 = buildTree<KDop<16> >(vertices2);

TNodeKDop16::TCollidedNodes output;
bool found = root1->collided(root2, output);

delete root1;
delete root2;