valdisiljuconoks / MvcAreasForEPiServer

Add Asp.Net Mvc areas support for EPiServer
MIT License
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Asp.Net Mvc Areas for EPiServer

Add Asp.Net Mvc areas support for EPiServer project

Getting Started

PM> Install-Package MvcAreasForEPiServer

After you installed this NuGet package, you will need to kick off area registration (usually this could be done in Global.asax.cs)

namespace MyProject
    public class Global : HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()

By default configuration setting to detect Mvc Area by controller will be enabled.


If you want to disable Mvc Area detection by controller, you can choose configuration settings to customize this behavior during areas registration procedure.

public class ConfigureAreasSupportModule : IInitializableModule
    public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        AreaConfiguration.RegisterAllAreas(config =>
            config.EnableAreaDetectionByController = true;
            config.EnableAreaDetectionBySite = true;

    public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)

There are two configuration settings:

More info

General description
How to use Mvc Areas as EPiServer's site discriminators
Asp.Net Mvc Area support in EPiServer - part 2