valentyn1boreiko / DVCEs

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Diffusion Visual Counterfactual Explanations

Welcome to the codebase for our NeurIPS paper Diffusion Visual Counterfactual Explanations. We will show you how to generate DVCEs on the selected (and you can choose the targets yourselves) ImageNet images with the multiple norm robust model Madry + FT and two SOTA non-robust models Swin-T and ConvNeXt.

Examples of DVCEs for the non-robust ConvNeXt classifier

In the following, first image is the starting image, GT stands for the "ground-truth label", and the images in the second and third columns - are VCEs in the respective target classes displayed above. For each the achieved and the initial confidences (i) are displayed above.


Before we can start with the generation, we have to setup the project and install required packages.

Creating DVCEs/SVCEs/blended diffusion based VCEs

In the following, we show, how to first set the parameters, and then - generate VCEs of the respective type for 6 selected targets. To choose your own image ids and targets, change some_vces, but consider targets that are semantically close to the original image, to ensure that meaningful explanations (VCEs) can be generated.

For any of the proposed parameter settings, feel free to adjust the values, but these are the ones we have used mostly in the paper.

The batchsize argument --batch_size is the number of samples per gpu, so if you encounter out-of-memory errors you can reduce it without altering results.

The resulting images can be found in ImageNetVCEs/examples/.


If you find this useful in your research, please consider citing:

      title={Diffusion Visual Counterfactual Explanations},
      author={Maximilian Augustin and Valentyn Boreiko and  Francesco Croce  and Matthias Hein},