valeriofarias / learn-bdd-playing-dice-book

Tiny book to you learn BDD, Rspec and Shoes having fun!
16 stars 1 forks source link

Welcome to Learn BDD playing dice book!


Valério Farias (

Getting started

Do you have to install the dependencies:

prince, rdiscount, ultraviolet, tilt

First you have to install prince from source: Prince:

Now install the required packages and gems: sudo aptitude install libonig2 libonig-dev sudo gem install rdiscount ultraviolet tilt

To generate the book run:

rake pdf

To delete the last generated book run:

rake clean

This project has initially two versions of the book: English and Portuguese

Now, just read the book and have fun!


Source Code - MIT / Ebook - Creative Commons

Thanks for pull request (revision)
