valeriosetti / ploopy-nano-kicad

A KiCAD's revisited version of the Ploopy Nano trackball mouse
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What's Ploopy Nano?

Ploopy nano is a compact trackball mouse whose hardware project (electronics & mechanics) is completely open source. The original github project can be found here:

Why a clone?

There are a couple of reasons for this:

  1. Albeit the original project is open, it's designed for Altium software. The goal of this project is to clone that design as much as possible, but in KiCAD

  2. Since I would like to test the BTU mod and I had that printed from an external online service, it didn't make much sense in my opinion to buy the whole kit just for the PCB. That's why I prefered to do it on my own

What are the differences with the original design?

For technical and components' availability reasons, this design is slightly different from the original version. Here's the main points:

Board's design

The placement of componenets on the board was obtained using FreeCAD:

Similarly I did also for the layout of the PCB itself. In this case:


The jlcpcb folder contain gerber, BOM and placement files I used to order from JLCPCB site. They have been automatically generated from the specific KiCAD's extension.

Some components, likes the ATmega32U4 or the LED, are not present in the BOM because they're out of stock on JLCPCB, so I'm planning to buy them separately and solder manually.


Since the description is quite long I decided to create a specific readme file for this in order to explain also the step I did for the bringup.

Final thoughts

Even thought it's a nice project, there are a few things which might be known for anyone who attempts at building it:

In general I strongly suggest to take a look and consider also jfedor2's projects: