valobox / epub

A library for extracting, compressing and flattening epub files
MIT License
22 stars 4 forks source link


Library to access and modify the contents of an Epub



Initialize with the path to an epub file, note any setters will edit the epub itself, so work on a copy if you don't want to modify the original

epub ="9781449315306.epub")


An epub is defined into the following parts, the accessor methods are as named below

Accessing content

The following describes how to access the content, example code for the below is here


To access the metadata

epub.metadata #=> #<Epub::Metadata>

You can set/get metadata in the Epub by using the Hash accessor, for example

# Getter
epub.metadata[:title]  #=> "Behind the scenes: Badgers in offices"

# Setter
epub.metadata[:description] = "Secret look into the life of Badgers in offices"


The manifest if the entry point to files in the epub, an Epub usually contains css, html, images and may also contain fonts. There are also some special files which define the structure of the epub which this gem hides from its API.

To access the manifest

epub.manifest #=> #<Epub::Manifest>

Files within the Epub are refered to as 'items', you can access files directly via the item method passing either the id of the item in the manifest file or the absolute path to file from the root of the epub zip.

epub.manifest.get(:id => "cover")              #=> #<Epub::Item>
epub.manifest.get(:path => "OEBPS/cover.html") #=> #<Epub::Item>

Although its more likely that you don't have this information. To access all items in the Epub

epub.manifest.items #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]

You can also retrieve them by their type

epub.manifest.html   #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]
epub.manifest.css    #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]
epub.manifest.images #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]
epub.manifest.misc   #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]

# Group everything but html (css/images/misc)
epub.manifest.assets #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]


The spine gives you the ordered list of html items which make up the epub. To access the spine

epub.spine #=> #<Epub::Spine>
epub.spine.items #=> [#<Epub::Item>, #<Epub::Item>, ...]

Toc (Table of Contents)

To access the toc

epub.toc #=> #<Epub::Toc>

To retrieve its contents

epub.toc.as_hash # => Returns a nested hash of:
# {
#   :label=>"Colophon",
#   :url=>"ch01.html#heading1",
#   :children=>[
#     # Nested here
#   ],
# }

Passing :normalize => true will returned the flattened urls if its not already flattened

Modifing files

When ever you have an instance of a Epub::Item you can edit that file in place, for example to modify the first item in the epub

# Get the first html item
item = epub.spine.items.first

# Display its contents

html = <<END
  <h1>Badger badger badger</h1>
    Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
Mushroom mushroom

# Replace its contents



ePub standardization ensures the epub is valid ready for manipulation. The standardize command does the following:


Calling normalize! on an epub will normalise the directory struture, renaming all the urls in the css/html for the items in the manifest.

For example the following directory structure

|   `-- container.xml
|-- mimetype
    |-- random_dir1
        |-- chA.css
        |-- ch01.html
        |-- ch02.html
        |-- image.jpg
    |-- random_dir2
        |-- chB.css
        |-- ch03.html
        |-- ch04.html
        |-- image.jpg
    |-- toc.ncx
    |-- content.opf

Will be normalized into the following format, note the file names get renamed to a MD5 hash of there original absolute filepath to ensure uniqueness

|   `-- container.xml
|-- mimetype
    |-- content.opf
    |-- content
        |-- 899ee1.css  (was chA.css)
        |-- f54ff6.css  (was chB.css)
        |-- c4b944.html (was ch01.html)
        |-- 4e895b.html (was ch02.html)
        |-- 89332e.html (was ch03.html)
        |-- c50b75.html (was ch04.html)
        |-- toc.ncx
        |-- assets
            |-- 5a17aa.jpg (was image.jpg)
            |-- b50b4b.jpg (was image.jpg)


If you want to extract an epub, for instance to serve the content up via a web interface you can to the following

Epub::Document.extract('example.epub', '/some/directory/path')

You can also pass a block which will re-zip the epub when the block exits. The block gets passed a <#Epub::Document> instance as an argument

Epub::Document.extract('example.epub') do |epub| 
    # Do some epub processing here...


To get extra logging either run with ruby -v which will be very verbose, or if you want just the library log lines run with LIB_VERBOSE=true. For example to run the example scripts with verbose logging do either of the following

ruby -v normalize.rb
LIB_VERBOSE=true ruby normalize.rb

Epub overview (TODO)

An Epub is simply a zip file which has been with the .epub extension. Lets take a look at the example.epub

mkdir extracted
cp example.epub extracted/
cd extracted

You should now have the following file structure

|   `-- container.xml (spec
|-- mimetype
    |-- random_dir1
        |-- chA.css
        |-- ch01.html
        |-- ch02.html
        |-- image.jpg
    |-- random_dir2
        |-- chB.css
        |-- ch03.html
        |-- ch04.html
        |-- image.jpg
    |-- toc.ncx
    |-- content.opf (spec

Explain further...

Further documentation

Yardoc is used for the documentation, you can start a server and see the docs by running the following command.

yard server --reload