valory-xyz / olas-operate-app

Apache License 2.0
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Pearl is an application used to run autonomous agents powered by the OLAS Network.

Technologies Used

Getting Started

Installing system dependencies

The following installation steps assume you have the following on each OS:


NodeJS is best installed and managed through NVM. It allows you to install and select specific versions of NodeJS. Pearl has been built using version 20.11, LTS.
```bash sudo apt install curl curl | bash source ~/.bashrc nvm install --lts nvm use --lts ```
```bash brew install nvm ``` Set up NVM for console usage. Dependant on the shell, you should edit the config file to contain the following code. If you're using Bash or Zsh, you might add them to your `~/.bash_profile`, `~/.bashrc`, or `~/.zshrc` file: ```bash export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion ``` Close and reopen Terminal, or run `source ~/.bash_profile`, `source ~/.zshrc`, or `source ~/.bashrc` to reload the shell configuration. Verify your installation by running `nvm --version`. Then run: ```bash nvm install --lts nvm use --lts ```


Yarn is the package manager used for dependency management of the Electron app and NextJS frontend. ```bash npm install --global yarn ```


```bash sudo apt install python3 ```
```bash brew install python ```


```bash sudo apt install pipx ```
```bash brew install pipx ```


Poetry is used on the backend to install and manage dependencies, and create a virtual environment for the backend API. ```bash pipx install poetry ``` If promoted to run `pipx ensurepath`, run it.


*Update the `ubuntu.22.04~jammy` version string to your current OS version before running the following command:* ```bash VERSION_STRING=5:24.0.7-1~ubuntu.22.04~jammy sudo apt-get install docker-ce=$VERSION_STRING docker-ce-cli=$VERSION_STRING docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ``` If you are unsure about your current OS version/codename, you can find it by running: ```bash lsb_release -a ```
You can [install Docker Desktop via the Docker website]( Be sure to select the correct version for your system's CPU architecture. If you are unsure about your system's CPU architecture, run the following command: ```bash uname -p # x86 64 Intel chip # arm64 Apple chip ```

Setting up your .env file

Create an .env file in the root directory, or rename .env.example to .env. Then set the following environment variables.


For development usage, set `NODE_ENV=development`. For production usage, set `NODE_ENV=production`.


**This variable is required for both development and production.** **Must be a Gnosis Mainnet RPC URL.** - In `development` this RPC url is only used if/when forking mainnet with Hardhat (covered later). This process allows you to test without losing funds. - In `production` this RPC URL is used as the main RPC for Pearl. You can get a Gnosis RPC from [Nodies]( Once you have a Gnosis Mainnet RPC URL, set `FORK_URL=YOUR_RPC_URL_HERE` in your .env file. Note: this must be an external RPC. If you decide to use Hardhat for testing on a mainnet fork, do _not_ set your Hardhat Node URL here.


This environment variable is only used when `NODE_ENV=development` is set. In `development` mode, it is used throughout Pearl as the main RPC. If you're using Hardhat, you can set `DEV_RPC=http://localhost:8545`. Or, you can use another, external RPC URL that wish to test on, ensuring that the chain ID is 100 (Gnosis Mainnet's chain ID).

Installing project dependencies

Run the following command to install all project dependencies.

yarn install-deps

Running the application

Provided your system dependencies are installed, environment variables are set, and your RPC is running.

You can start Pearl by running the following command in the root directory:

yarn start

This will run Electron, which launches the NextJS frontend and the Python backend as child processes.

Chain forking (for development)

In the interest of protecting your funds during development, you can run a forked version of Gnosis Mainnet.

There are two recommended options, choose one:

Tenderly (preferred)

[Tenderly]( is a service with a plethora of useful blockchain development tools. The tool required here gives you the ability to **fork networks**. You can also monitor all transactions, and fund your accounts with any token that you please. 1. Signup to [Tenderly](, and select the plan you desire. **The Free plan should suffice for most users**. 2. Go to *Forks* under the *Development* tab -- in the left sidebar of your dashboard. 3. Click *Create Fork*, select "Gnosis Chain" as the network, and use Chain ID `100`. 4. Copy the RPC url into the appropriate .env variables in your repository. (Recommended to set both `FORK_URL` & `DEV_RPC` to this RPC url during development). 5. Click the *Fund Accounts* button to fund your accounts with XDAI (native token) and [OLAS](


Note: using Hardhat will result in the loss of chain state once your Hardhat node is turned off. Run the following command in the root of your project folder to start your Hardhat node: ```bash npx hardhat node ``` **Once Hardhat is running, you will be able to use `http://localhost:8545` as your development RPC.**
Funding your addresses with Hardhat
There are scripts to fund addresses during testing/development: - XDAI funding: ```bash poetry run python scripts/ 0xYOURADDRESS ``` - OLAS funding: ```bash poetry run python scripts/ PATH_TO_KEY_CONTAINING_OLAS ADDRESS_TO_TRANSFER AMOUNT ```

Notes and Common Issues