Open florianguyot opened 11 months ago
Package 3.2.0 on linux does not show the correct flag ( cf :
I think it is dues to the change #243 Use flag emoji instead of images on mobile.
#243 Use flag emoji instead of images on mobile.
The case of web is handled but computer distribution as Linux.
I think the change is a simple Patform check when the image is shown but I have to test other platform ( windows and mac)
(kIsWeb || Platform.isLinux) ? Image.asset( 'assets/flags/${_selectedCountry.code.toLowerCase()}.png', package: 'intl_phone_field', width: 32, ) : Text( _selectedCountry.flag, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18), ),
Package 3.2.0 on linux does not show the correct flag ( cf :
I think it is dues to the change
#243 Use flag emoji instead of images on mobile.
The case of web is handled but computer distribution as Linux.
I think the change is a simple Patform check when the image is shown but I have to test other platform ( windows and mac)