When a query is executed, the actual SQL query and its accompanying array of bound parameters (if any) are now logged as structured metadata on the logger using a generic message, rather than the query and bindings being the message. This follows the recommended guidelines for logging in libraries. Credit goes to @MahdiBM for the original suggestion.
2024-05-29T00:00:00Z debug codes.vapor.fluent : database-id=psql [PostgresKit] SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a=$1 [["bar"]]
2024-05-29T00:00:00Z debug codes.vapor.fluent : database-id=psql sql=SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a=$1 binds=["bar"] [PostgresKit] Executing query
These changes are now available in 2.13.5
When a query is executed, the actual SQL query and its accompanying array of bound parameters (if any) are now logged as structured metadata on the logger using a generic message, rather than the query and bindings being the message. This follows the recommended guidelines for logging in libraries. Credit goes to @MahdiBM for the original suggestion.