vapor / postgres-kit

🐘 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL.
MIT License
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async postgresql server-side-swift sql swift vapor vapor-service


Documentation Team Chat MIT License Continuous Integration Swift 5.8+

🐘 Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for PostgreSQL. ### Usage Use the SPM string to easily include the dependendency in your `Package.swift` file. ```swift .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0") ``` ### Supported Platforms PostgresKit supports the following platforms: - Ubuntu 20.04+ - macOS 10.15+ ## Overview PostgresKit is an [SQLKit] driver for PostgreSQL cliets. It supports building and serializing Postgres-dialect SQL queries. PostgresKit uses [PostgresNIO] to connect and communicate with the database server asynchronously. [AsyncKit]( is used to provide connection pooling. > [!IMPORTANT] > It is strongly recommended that users who leverage PostgresKit directly (e.g. absent the Fluent ORM layer) take advantage of PostgresNIO's [PostgresClient] API for connection management rather than relying upon the legacy AsyncKit API. [SQLKit]: [PostgresNIO]: [AsyncKit]: [PostgresClient]: ### Configuration Database connection options and credentials are specified using a `PostgresConfiguration` struct. ```swift import PostgresKit let configuration = PostgresConfiguration( hostname: "localhost", username: "vapor_username", password: "vapor_password", database: "vapor_database" ) ``` URL string based configuration is also supported. ```swift guard let configuration = PostgresConfiguration(url: "postgres://...") else { ... } ``` To connect via unix-domain sockets, use `unixDomainSocketPath` instead of `hostname` and `port`. ```swift let configuration = PostgresConfiguration( unixDomainSocketPath: "/path/to/socket", username: "vapor_username", password: "vapor_password", database: "vapor_database" ) ``` ### Connection Pool Once you have a `PostgresConfiguration`, you can use it to create a connection source and pool. ```swift let eventLoopGroup: EventLoopGroup = ... defer { try! eventLoopGroup.syncShutdown() } let pools = EventLoopGroupConnectionPool( source: PostgresConnectionSource(configuration: configuration), on: eventLoopGroup ) defer { pools.shutdown() } ``` First create a `PostgresConnectionSource` using the configuration struct. This type is responsible for creating new connections to your database server as needed. Next, use the connection source to create an `EventLoopGroupConnectionPool`. You will also need to pass an `EventLoopGroup`. For more information on creating an `EventLoopGroup`, visit SwiftNIO's [documentation]( Make sure to shutdown the connection pool before it deinitializes. `EventLoopGroupConnectionPool` is a collection of pools for each event loop. When using `EventLoopGroupConnectionPool` directly, random event loops will be chosen as needed. ```swift pools.withConnection { conn print(conn) // PostgresConnection on randomly chosen event loop } ``` To get a pool for a specific event loop, use `pool(for:)`. This returns an `EventLoopConnectionPool`. ```swift let eventLoop: EventLoop = ... let pool = pools.pool(for: eventLoop) pool.withConnection { conn print(conn) // PostgresConnection on eventLoop } ``` ### PostgresDatabase Both `EventLoopGroupConnectionPool` and `EventLoopConnectionPool` can be used to create instances of `PostgresDatabase`. ```swift let postgres = pool.database(logger: ...) // PostgresDatabase let rows = try postgres.simpleQuery("SELECT version();").wait() ``` Visit [PostgresNIO's docs]( for more information on using `PostgresDatabase`. ### SQLDatabase A `PostgresDatabase` can be used to create an instance of `SQLDatabase`. ```swift let sql = postgres.sql() // SQLDatabase let planets = try"*").from("planets").all().wait() ``` Visit [SQLKit's docs]( for more information on using `SQLDatabase`.