var77 / react-native-swiping-cards

Swiping cards like tinder cards
MIT License
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React Native Swiping Cards

React Native Swiping Cards


npm install --save react-native-swiping-cards or using yarn yarn add react-native-swiping-cards

Simple Usage

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={{flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                      onSwipeRight={() => true}
                      onSwipeLeft={() => true}
                      onSwipeCenter={() => true}
                      onRelease={() => true}
                      onRightAnimationEnd={() => true}
                      onLeftAnimationEnd={() => true}
                      onCenterAnimationEnd={() => true}
                      onReleaseAnimationEnd={() => true}
                    <View style={{flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                      <Image source={{uri: ""}} />

See example app for more complex example.


If no callback or animation end function is passed, the event won't be triggered and card will return to it's position

Name Type Description
onSwipeRight function(){} called immediately as right swipe event is done
onRightAnimationEnd function(){} called when animation of right swipe event is finished
onSwipeLeft function(){} called immediately as left swipe event is done
onLeftAnimationEnd function(){} called when animation of left swipe event is finished
onSwipeCenter function(){} called immediately as center swipe event is done
onCenterAnimationEnd function(){} called when animation of center swipe event is finished
onRelease function(){} called if swipe length is less and none of the events above was called
onReleaseAnimationEnd function(){} called when animation of release event is finished
swipeLength Number length of the swipe to trigger events, default: device width / 5