varunsatish / llama-recipes-fertility

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Llama Recipes

A fork of the Llama recipes repository. See the original repo for more information.

Notes before getting started

Running this script will require you to have a Hugging Face account. If you don't already, you can create one here:

Getting started

This assumes you are able to login to either Snellius or Della using the command line.


To set up the enviironment in Snellius, you first need to run this command in a terminal window:

module load 2023
module load Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0


To set up the environment in Della, you first need to run this command in a terminal window:

conda deactivate
module load anaconda3/2024.2

If you want to run the fine-tuning code, you will need to ensure that you are in the della-gpu login node.

Installing requirements

Python packages

Create a folder named cruijff using mkdir cruijff. Because we will be downloading big files, you should ensure that you locate the folder in the part of the disk that is allocated for storage. For example, in Della this would be /scratch/gpfs/<USER>.

Navigate to cruijff and then install this repo from Github in this directory:

cd cruijff
git clone

Install the requirements into a new virtual environment:

python3 -m venv ~/.cruijff
source ~/.cruijff/bin/activate
pip install -r llama-recipes-fertility/requirements.txt
cd llama-recipes-fertility
pip install -e .

Once you have created an environment and downloaded the packages, to activate the environment you only need to run:

source ~/.cruijff/bin/activate

Hugging Face models

Make sure you have your Hugging Face access key ready. To obtain this, log into Hugging Face, navigate to "settings" and then "access tokens".

huggingface-cli login

Follow the instructions to log in with your access key. You can select n for the question about Github access.

In this example, we will be downloading Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct. You can use the same process to download any other model on Hugging Face.

cd recipes/quickstart/
mkdir original_models/
mkdir train_inf_output/
huggingface-cli download meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct --local-dir original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct

Running the fine-tuning script (minimum working example)

You will first need to initialize an interactive slurm job.

In Snellius, the command is:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --partition gpu --time=60:00 --mem=480G

and in Della, the command is:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --gres=gpu:4 --time=60:00 --mem=480G

Make sure to activate relevant software:

On Snellius, do

module load 2023
module load Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0

Navigate to the relevant directory

source ~/.cruijff/bin/activate
cd recipes/quickstart/

Set wandb to offline mode:

export WANDB_MODE=offline

Then, run the folllowing code for a multi-GPU speed test using LoRA:

    --nproc_per_node 4  finetuning/ --enable_fsdp  \
    --quantization 4bit  \
    --model_name original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct  \
    --mixed_precision False --low_cpu_fsdp  \
    --use_peft --peft_method lora --output_dir train_inf_output/$NAME  \
    --num_epochs 2 --run_validation True  \
    --batch_size_training 8 --lr 0.0003  \
    --use_fast_kernels True --context_length 512  \
    --batching_strategy packing --mixed_precision False  \
    --dataset minimum_working_example  \
    --use-wandb $NAME \

Running the inference script

python hf_inference/ \
--original_model original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct \
--fine_tuned_model train_inf_output/$NAME \
--output_file train_inf_output/$NAME/predictions.csv \
--test_data finetuning/datasets/predefined_datasets/minimum_working_example/ \
--wandb_config $NAME

Running the evaluation script

python evaluation/ \
--prediction_data train_inf_output/$NAME/predictions.csv
python evaluation/ \
--prediction_data train_inf_output/$NAME/predictions.csv

Specifiying Custom Datasets

To specify your own dataset, save a dictionary with a list of strings named "text" and a list of 0s and 1s in string format named "labels" in json format.

This data template illustrates a simple example of the appropriate data structure:

    "text": [
        "I want a child",
        "I want a child",
        "I want a child",
        "I don't want a child",
        "I want a child",
        "I don't want a child"

    "labels": [


Place this dataset in llama-recipes-fertility/recipes/quickstart/finetuning/datasets/predefined_datasets/. When running the fine-tuning code, make sure you specify

 --dataset predefined_dataset
 --data_path <PATH TO DATSET>

Uploading requirements to OSSC via SURF

  1. Capturing changes to file structure and requirements:

    • If requirements have changed (i.e. you have used pip install), then run in the directory llama-recipes-fertility, run:
      pip freeze > requirements.txt
    • Then, login to, create a ticket and tell SURF to install requirements.txt in venvs/pmt/cruijff/
    • Ask them to put all wheelfiles in /gpfs/ostor/ossc9469/homedir/venvs/pmt/cruijff/wheelfiles_cruijff/
    • Then, on the OSSC do:
      cd ~
      module load 2023
      source venvs/pmt/cruijff/bin/activate
      cd PreFer/pmt/repositories/llama-recipes
      pip install -e ./ --no-index --find-links $WHEELPATH
  2. Pushing to GitHub

    • Commit and push all changes to this repo.
    • In GitHub, create a release that includes the date of shipment. For example, “Shipped to CBS August 5th”.
    • Make sure you also create a tag that follows semantic versioning
  3. Sending code to CBS

Fine-tune with PEFT on a single GPU

To train a model with PEFT, make sure you're in the llama-recipes-fertility/recipes/quickstart/finetuning directory and run the following command:

    --use_peft --peft_method lora --quantization 4bit  \
    --model_name original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct  \
    --output_dir train_inf_output/$NAME --num_epochs 100  \
    --run_validation True  --batch_size_training 1  \
    --lr 0.0003 --use_fast_kernels True  \
    --context_length 1024 --batching_strategy packing  \
    --mixed_precision False  --dataset fertility_dataset  \
    --use-wandb $NAME

This will train a model to predict fertility intentions. This took me about 95 seconds per epoch for the fertility dataset (1850 tokens/second) and 1 second per epoch on the parity dataset (on one A100 GPU). You can monitor your progress on Weights and Biases under the run single_gpu_peft (the link will be printed in the terminal). The eval tab will show the held-out loss and perplexity. The train/tokens_per_second tab will show you how many tokens are being processed per second (during training). If the model's heldout perplexity is 1.35-1.50 on fertility intentions I'd say the model is doing well.

Additional flags:

If you get an out-of-memory error try lowering the --context_length to something like 512.

Fine-tune with PEFT on multiple GPUS

    --nproc_per_node 4 --enable_fsdp  \
    --quantization 4bit  \
    --model_name original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct  \
    --mixed_precision False --low_cpu_fsdp  \
    --use_peft --peft_method lora --output_dir train_inf_output/$NAME  \
    --num_epochs 100 --run_validation True  \
    --batch_size_training 1 --lr 0.0003  \
    --use_fast_kernels True --context_length 1024  \
    --batching_strategy packing --mixed_precision False  \
    --dataset fertility_dataset  \
    --use-wandb $NAME 

The same flags as above can be used (with the exception of --use_parity, which is too small for multiple GPUs).

Note that this may not be faster than the single GPU training: it depends on whether the overhead of distributing the model across multiple GPUs is less than the speedup from training on multiple GPUs. (For me it was about as quick as single GPU training). This may change as we experiment with hyperparameters like context window size and batching.

To try this on two GPUs, use --nproc_per_node 2 instead of 4. I found 4 GPUs to always be faster than 2 GPUs.

Full-parameter fine-tuning on multiple GPUs

To run full-parameter multi-GPU training, use the following command:

torchrun --nnodes 1 --nproc_per_node 4 \
  --enable_fsdp --model_name original_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct \
  --dist_checkpoint_root_folder model_checkpoints \
  --output_dir train_inf_output/$NAME --fsdp_config.pure_bf16 \
  --use_fast_kernels --num_epochs 100 \
  --run_validation True  --batch_size_training 1 \
  --lr 0.0003 --use_fast_kernels True \
  --context_length 1024 --batching_strategy packing \
  --mixed_precision False --dataset fertility_dataset \
  --use-wandb $NAME 

Note that full-parameter fine-tuning can only be run on multiple GPUs -- the gradients won't fit into memory on a single GPU. You'll find full-parameter fine-tuning to be slower than the PEFT training (it took me about 4m15s per epoch). I also found that the optimization didn't work as well so we may have to experiment with hyperparameters.

Additional information

If you want to explore the code and make some changes, the most relevant files are: